Is Pirates considered complete?


I shoot when you're stuck.
Wasn't sure what forum to post this in, but I was just wondering if there were any more developments planned for Pirates. Several features from the original game are still left out, such as:

Kraken for players idle - I do remember this was implemented for a very brief period of time in MyVMK, and IIRC was removed due to players getting affected by the kraken who take longer to load in. So I understand that not being implemented, though the time adjusted before it kicks in could just be increased.

Fireballs upon explosion - In the original, when you died you could double click your ship and fireballs would fly out, giving the potential to hit other players and still provide some use to your team. As it stands currently, we seems to have a very underwhelming version of this? There is no visual indication when you blow up, and you only do damage to an enemy if they are both basically rammed into your dead ship and only have 1 health. If they have more than 1 health and you explode, it will not damage them at all. As I remember, the number of fireballs that flew out was related to how many ammo you died with, though im not 100% sure on that part. This might be the feature I miss the most as it still allowed dead players to try to contribute.

Gold-only overtime - Another feature I dearly miss is the overtime for rounds in Pirates. When a round ended and there were still player(s) on both teams, the timer would be extended (I want to say by 1 minute) and all ammo spawned would be gold, and a lot of it. This was a nice addition as it made running out the timer if you were ahead in points more difficult, and just made the game more fun to begin with.

The switch sides button - This is a small one that I wouldn't think would be difficult to implement, but the "switch sides button" when making a game. As someone who starts a lot of games, its a small feature that would come in handy, as people may want to play with their friends and with some people already in the game, you end up with uneven teams. Or just gives you the option to play on the pirates side as the game owner. The button is there, but does not do anything when pressed.

AI - I can understand this not being in-game as I imagine it's the hardest of the features I listed to implement, but if somebody disconnects or quits, a lot of times it's almost an automatic loss. Not always, but it does happen. Pirates AI would help balance the teams in that case. It would also be useful for times when 4 people wanting to play Pirates are not online.

I'm not demanding this list be implemented immediately or anything like that, I'm just curious to know if any of the old features from the original VMK are still being worked on, or if pirates is considered "complete" at this point.


...but you HAVE heard of me.

I agree with PlayerOne.

I miss these features and hope they are implemented at some point.

Exploding your sunken ship worked better, the Kraken added an element to the game, the gold overtime added balance to the game, the switching of sides helped people group up easier or try to sail/host as Port or Pirates as they wished, and the AI (while not super intelligent) would help round out games when there weren't enough players on.

I personally like Level 1 not having places where you can shoot through objects (just like the original) because it helps newer players have a better chance while learning. As you go up in levels, the skill required is supposed to go up, including places where cannons can shoot through openings in trees, etc. As I recall, even the AI got tougher too.

A couple of other features I remember:

As I recall, in the original game, you had to play a certain number of rounds at each level before you could play at the next level. I'm not sure this is necessary to implement today, but that's how it used to be.

Also, the default ship choice used to be the Flying Dutchman, not the Black Pearl. I usually recommend that newer players start learning the game using the Dutchman because it is a balanced ship. It might be helpful to have the Dutchman as default again.

I'm with PlayerOne. I'm grateful that we even get to play potc and I've wondered if some of the original features will return.

To ye all, I say thanks and good sailing!