Last Text you Received/Sent

sent: holy hellz its cold out tonight duder
received: oh yeah it is. going to be brutal in the morning too man

Sent: Ok the target has been eliminated.
Received: Hide the body then!!! *devil emoji*


Received: You won't believe the day I had. How's your day going bby?
Sent: What happened?

received: do u want pizza 4 dinner?
sent: pizza?! yes please.

Is "do you want pizza" even a question like yes of course I want pizza like duh :D.
Sent: "I'm so sorry if you get off work and I'm asleep :b I just fell asleep for like 2 hrs and I'm like dead tired.. haha"
Received: "Have a fun rest of your night watches disney movies! I'll text ya when I get off ! :D
Received: 'Love you' from my boyfriend whom I've known since 2nd grade.
Sent: 'Finished Sociology hmwk' to my Mom. My mom was visiting her mother.