Lightning Bugs


Well-Known Member
Ok... Either I'm crazy or I'm going senile.
But I swear I just saw a lightning bug outside.
I have lived in Florida for a long time & this is the 1st I have seen them.
When I lived up
North they were everywhere!!
Any other Floridians ever see them??
I never saw any here! They must be pretty when they light up at night though, or so I heard. Just nasty gnats flying into my face and into other people on campus and mosquitos rather I think the same freaking mosquito that's been biting me and buzzing in my ear for days. I named him Robert, hopefully he has moved on from me now that he has driven me insane and already gotten what he wanted :p Yeah screw you Robert, screw you fly away RIP


Active Member
I live in the north and I see hundreds at night -- they're all over the place. They get in my house and when we turn the lights off we can find them but then their light goes out so we run around trying to find them all night XD
I accidentally stepped on one in the shower this morning though. poor guy.