MyVMK Forums Sports Event!

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hello : ) i have heelys : )
When I was a lil kiddie on a soccer team for the first time I remember making my first goal and thats my favorite sports memory :~)


Well-Known Member
I have too many sports memories, but I figured I'd share a gem of a photo - probably my favorite team photo from any team I've played on, hopefully you guys enjoy!
[/IMG] I'm the second from the left in the top row!


Mysterious Member
A somewhat funny yet sad sporting memory I have was during the time I was playing kickball in the third grade. I had been anxiously waiting and it was finally my turn to kick. I stood there at the home plate awaiting the ball to arrive and soon after came the ball rolling. I tried to kick the ball as hard as I could and due to my bad luck, it ended up hitting the pitcher directly in the face. He fell to the ground and I couldn't help but laugh at what I had just witnessed. Everyone was staring at me while I laughed nonstop, which made me feel horrible afterwards. Although it's nothing I should have laughed about, to this day as I think back to that event, I can't help but laugh.
My favorite sports memory was winning the championship basketball game my senior year of highschool and getting the giant trophy that went with it.


Ohana means family.
When I was a kid, I always played soccer and I even played in the town's soccer program. I always played goalie or defense, but I always dreamed of actually scoring a goal. Always doing defense and goalie, I never got the chance. Then one day, I went to my coach and I told him I wanted to do offense (or whatever position it was so I can advance on the field). My coach was shocked, but I told him that I believed and I knew I could score. He said alright, and put me on the field. Several times I had the ball as I ran around towards the goalie. Not once, but only twice I ACTUALLY SCORED! It was one of my proudest moments on the soccer field.

My favorite sports memories are from the times my dad took me to the NASCAR races in Atlanta. I will forever remember being sand blasted in the face with tiny snowflakes/ice pellets the last time we went. We haven't back there in a few years because they got so expensive, but I hope we can go back at some point.
My favorite sports memory was when i was in ballet and it was the end of our dance year, we were dressed as clowns and we messed up at our recital but we had fun doing it.


Well-Known Member
My favorite sport memory was in the middle school, it was more or less fun then an accomplishment. We decided to play flag football outside in PE that day, I myself not all outgoing at sports ended out to do pretty good. I'm tall and lanky so I could cover the field rather fast without getting my flag pulled so I was always the go to guy to catch the ball when we where going for yards. All in all that sport made me actually go to the after school practice and have some fun.
It was Summer Camp probably around the time of Middle School. It was the annual Rainboat Regatta (Sailing tournament in the ocean). The weather was awful. Raining cats and dogs and the wind was blowing like crazy. They probably should have cancelled the event since it looked like a major storm was coming in but they didn't. I was worried with the conditions that me and my sailing partner would not be able to complete the race.

We got on the water and our the boat was rocking like crazy. When the sound off came our boat was actually going in the wrong direction due to the wind pattern. My friend was somehow able to get us back on course while I took helm of the sail. We went from being in last place to advancing to first at the last second. At that timem it was my proudest moment because I had never won anything sports wise. The trophy was a beaten and used life-jacket. I still have that trophy. It was such a great experience!
I remember being in a bowling league all throughout elementary & middle school. I always looked forward to going there each week. Then the bowling alley closed out of nowhere. I was crushed... still am. I ended up winning awards and I remember getting bowling cloths that had my name and top scores embroidered on them... I should still have them around here somewhere.
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My favorite sports memory happened two years ago. My team was rowing Ohio State (the fastest team in the nation) in a dual (two-boat) event. I was in the boat with all the other first-year rowers and we were rowing against their novice rowers. The lane line had been cut by accident and the weather was bad, so we had to wait on the water for 40 minutes so the line could be repaired. We were freezing by the time the race started! We were a few seats behind for most of the race, but in the last 500m we passed our fans cheering for us and we pulled ahead to win by some infinitesimally small amount. We weren't even sure who had won until after we had gotten off the water. It was a huge deal because none of our boats had ever, ever, ever beaten one of their boats in a race. And to this day we are still the only ones that have!
(the coxswain and the 8 rowers ^)
While I was in Elementary school I had really great potential to be really good track teams and middle school and high school, but when it came down for me to start in the 7th grade, I started getting really sick. Then no Physician would give me a pass on my physical because I started having a lot of lung problems. I'm not too sad about it but because of that i've always been more of an admirer and watcher of sports than a player.
My favorite sporting memory is when I first began running because I found it is something I really enjoy, and I've made the closest friends doing it, also it is a both individual sport and team sport. You really test how far you truly can go. If i learned anything from running is: It's not as easy as it looks! :nod:
So this is a terrible memory that actually turned into something kind of fun. In 7th or 8th grade I messed up my knee really really bad playing soccer (I still have days I can't walk much on it kind of injury, this happened ten years back)and I had to walk like 3/4 of a mile home on it. So I get home, mom is there and she doesn't believe me that my knee is that bad because I walked home on it (of course I did, I lacked a phone), so I burst out in tears and she goes 'yeah we're going to the hospital'

So I get to the kids ward and they've given me an icepack for it while we wait and in comes this boy. He's sporting a knee injury also from sports and we became quick friends and at one point we passed each other being wheeled around and passing high fives and it was just a lot of fun.
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