MyVMK New Game Ideas

i know that creating new items for MyVMK is probably quite a hard task, and that the games are even more difficult,
however i was thinking of new ideas for games...
once Pirates and Haunted Mansion are finished, maybe we could start designing a Racing game??

Ideas for themes:
-Sugar Rush
-Regular Autopia

I dont know one person that doesn't like racing games, i mean look how popular Mario Kart is lol
and i think especially with Sugar Rush theme it'd be sooo cute and fun!
Maybe eventually we could design our own cars? colors?
We could have races against a computer or against other players.
Winners could earn most money: 1st: 50 credits? 2nd: 25?
something like that.

We could earn pins after we complete x amount of races,
or after we won a race x amount of times.
this was we could show off how well we do at the games
Maybe we could have pins for the other games too?

let me know what you guys think!(: