Need help with my Etsy shop name


just your friendly neighborhood allusion
Not sure If I can post this here but -
I am going to be creating my own Etsy shop as I've finally got some paintings ( old old ) out of storage.

I need help though, coming up with a name for it :o

I will be selling paintings mainly, and my name's Emily if that's any help at all.
Also it needs to be relatively short (2 - 3 words max)


Well-Known Member
Emily's Art Emporium, Exclusively Emily, or just plain old Paintings by Emily. Maybe use some sort of description or genre of the art you have produced in the title.


The Owlmighty
Emily's Extravagant Emporium
Excellent Art by Emily
Emily's Enjoyable Paintings
Emily's Exciting Artwork
Emily's Paintbrush
Emily's Art Closet
Emily's Paint Cabinet
The Colors of Emily