please don't take keys away


Well-Known Member
Green crates are being taken away due to severe complaints and negative feedback that the staff received from the majority of people. (or so I think)
It's not the particular items in the crates, it is the ability to trade the keys or pull something rare or tradeable from the crates. The economy of the game right now is based on firewalls, credits and keys. Half of the players don't have any firewalls. The keys make it far easier to trade with all players...I have completed deals with at least ten people who would have probably never considered trading with me had I not had this commodity.
Don't worry so much about the rares in the crates, green crates are not a last resort for these items :) Not every item is limited to one form of release. So be patient and don't worry <3

It is not the fact that "these" rares are in the crates and we may not get them. It is that keys have become a great commodity in the game, they bridge the gap between the rich players and the poor players. Some people will complain no matter what, that is just human nature and not all comments are complaints some are just constructive criticism (some not so constructive) or just that comments. If green crates are removed on the 15th, even though I am not a big trader, please add something back quickly to the game to take their place, because I have seen the gap between the have and the have nots get smaller due to the stabilization of the economy because of these keys and crates. It also gives players a goal to achieve and if that is removed then 1/2 the player base losses interest in the game. JMHO


Active Member
The "super rares" that so many go crazy for hold no interest for me. The chance of getting one is so small it's not worth it to me to waste the key using them on crates. )And the super rares are "valued" so obscenely high I have no interest in even trying to build an offer for those items.) However the keys have great value to me in getting retired items I either really want or I can use as a stepping stone for better trades. The super rich go so crazy over these "new rare" they will trade some of the stuff they horde for another couple chances to get those items. As a noobie or someone that can not play myvmk much these keys offer us an opportunity to obtain items what would pretty much remain out of our reach for a long time. And again the keys relieve some of the monotony of play JC and FW again and again.


Well-Known Member
I just don't understand why they have to go. it became such a good thing in trading if you had green keys, which is literally how I got most of the stuff I have now. green keys were a big source of my trading game and by the end of the week I won't have a lot to offer people.