possible compatibility issues?

I've been trying to run myvmk for a while now, but every time I do the cursor is constantly switching between normal and the vertical bar you get while selecting text. On top of this, none of the text shows up in any of the menus.

It might be something wrong on my end, but I've clean installed shockwave a couple times now and still no bueno. Help?
already gone through all that. My guess is that Macario was right. Had problems with alienware programs in the past, probably what it is now
:) Since you said Alienware... I know that Dell pre-loads software onto their devices. I hate pre-loaded software and I usually uninstall unnecessary pre-installed applications or just re-install Windows as a fresh copy, then pick whatever applications I want from the website. Or at least, that's what I would do now and days if there was pre-installed software on a machine. But I don't buy PCs anymore. I buy Macs and I build my own PCs.
Well the only stock part in my alienware anymore is the hd and motherboard. It'll probably clear up when I switch over to a couple ssd's with a fresh win7 install