Red Dreams Shirt?

There wasn't a twitter announcement, nor Newsletter announcement. Not everyone knew including myself :c
Can we please get more then 3 hours to pull an item from the stone? Just three hours isn't nearly enough... I used like 100 pins and nothing and then I ran out of time... And only like 5 people actually got the shirt...
Exactly^^ I tried from the moment the announcement went off to the last 5 minutes before the event and ended up pulling ash and the same SITS pin I already have :(


Well-Known Member
Also people didn't have equal opportunities to get the shirt. Some people may have been working, or putting children down to bed. Or even asleep. I know that for me, I'm on call right now and only ended up having 5 sits to pull. In the end, I believe this should have been for the entire day, with a heads up that didn't just include a heads up on the game because more people would have known about it and been able to work trying for it into their schedule potentially. Having only 3 hours to pull this shirt from the stone (that and 3 hours that were very late at night for us east coasters, or right in the dinner hour for those on the west coast) was not fair in my opinion.

Please extend this an additional day to make this fair and to allow everyone for their chance at the shirt.
Just to put new VDay pins in the stone for only one week, so everyone uses all their sits to get those. And then to add in a new shirt for only 3 hours at rare difficulty on a day where most people are out just isn't fair.[DOUBLEPOST=1487121314][/DOUBLEPOST] This isn't staff bashing please. Just about the shirt and keep it nice.


Atlantean Princess
Hello everyone! We see your feedback we promise! We just havent discussed on an extension as of right now. If anything changes we will either make an announcement or post here regarding this matter. It just ended and this is the first time we've held a SITS clothing item in a long time. Please bare with us while we discuss this further.


I was lucky enough to pull one (300+ SITS if wondering), but I agree, it wasn't even announced on Twitter, only people in game at the time knew about the shirt. It was a small enough window to begin with but to not announce it on any other medium aside from the game itself makes it that much harder. Not to mention all the people that were out doing stuff, I had gotten back home at around 930 EST from class and work. I'm sure a lot of people were out with their loved ones with it being Valentine's Day and all, plus all the people from Europe who are asleep, plus all the people who have other things to do and can't be on during this time.
Hello everyone! We see your feedback we promise! We just havent discussed on an extension as of right now. If anything changes we will either make an announcement or post here regarding this matter. It just ended and this is the first time we've held a SITS clothing item in a long time. Please bare with us while we discuss this further.


Thank you for the reply :hearts: Please extend this lol we are desperate! We will do whatever staff desires![DOUBLEPOST=1487122178][/DOUBLEPOST]What sadness looks like in a red dreams less group:
Hello everyone! We see your feedback we promise! We just havent discussed on an extension as of right now. If anything changes we will either make an announcement or post here regarding this matter. It just ended and this is the first time we've held a SITS clothing item in a long time. Please bare with us while we discuss this further.


yes thank you very much for replying. sorry we are a bother some but it's just a extremely low odds and what others said, but we thank you for this new clothing (i love red so idc what ppl have to say about recolors). i do hope its announced on here or twitter :rose:


Atlantean Princess
yes thank you very much for replying. sorry we are a bother some but it's just a extremely low odds and what others said, but we thank you for this new clothing (i love red so idc what ppl have to say about recolors). i do hope its announced on here or twitter :rose:
You guys are no bother at all. I always say... we are staff we are here to help! Don't feel bad for getting your opinions heard. We aim to please you all or at least try our best to.

If we extend the SITS Dreams shirt a Twitter announcement will be made.