Ride-A-Thon Feels


I just wanted to chime in with this positive remark. I know there's been a lot of complaints about obtaining keys recently but I think this past weekend was a breath of fresh air. I really liked the ride-a-thons for keys and I hope the staff decides to do it again! If you participated in the ride a thon, you were able to to get (hopefully) 7 keys, and I really liked this because it was a perfect amount. (Shout out to @Cold for helping me out with crate purchases and @Zeppelin is a ten for keys when I missed the event on sunday!)

After hearing some other users do some math, telling us that about 360-500 hours of riding PPR/ALR, pulling the sword, buying crates, and opening pins is what it takes (statistically) to get a super rare, this was really nice. I also like that the ride-a-thon was on the weekend because there's school and work during the week, so it's hard for most people to make it to really even get a key (or sometimes make it in the room!)

Anyway, I know a lot of people were able to get some sparrow pieces (I'm still not really okay with it in pieces but what's done is done) and it just made me happy to see a lot of people start to get their favorite items.


The Confused One.
I really did like that they gave Green Keys out over the Ride-a-Thon, I was kind of wondering if they would do that the week before and I'm glad they did, even though I only got to attend one day.

What I would really enjoy seeing is possibly putting keys out somewhere in the kingdom every weekend when they get removed from the stone. I know that there have been mentions of it returning to the stone occasionally or putting it in mini-games but I think it would be nice to do something different every weekend so it allows people to plan if they want to try for some keys on a weekend. Yes there are Host Events but those you have to be able to get into the event and sometimes people are busy during the host event times. Maybe it's something to test with but the odds don't have to be terribly high to award the keys that way they can still maintain some sort of rare. I don't know this is just something would be interesting to see how it does and would probably require testing so it can't be easily abused to farm the keys.