Room Co-Owners


Well-Known Member
Okay, here we go.

I think it would be lovely to have room co-owners/editors/moderators, whatever you'd like to call them.

I love hosting games with my friends, but it would be nice if they could move items and whatnot.

I've thought it through, so here would be the restrictions.

•Room Co-Owners would not be able to remove items in the room that were owned by the owner or other Co-Owners, that way no one loses items.
•Co-Owners would not be able to boot people unless given permission by the owner (a button on the co-owner's lanyard that would show up for the owner only that says something like "Allow Co-Owner To Boot")
•Co-Owners would be able to move any item in the room, including items owned by the Owner or another Co-Owner (but still, would not be able to take items away, unless owned by themselves)

You would assign a Co-Owner by clicking the "i" when in the room you would like to assign a person to, and then clicking a button that could say "Assign a Co-Owner", then your friends list would pop-up (the Co-Owner MUST be your friend), and you would click the person you would like to assign. This person's name would then pop-up under the "i" for you under a box that could say "Your Assigned Co-Owners" with an "x" in front of the name so you could delete them at any time.

Your Co-Owners would also show up under the "i" for other players, so they know as well.

Post below what other things you would suggest/whether or not you would like this added to the game.

Thank you for reading my idea. :)


Well-Known Member
Yes please! ;o
This would be great if you wanted a friend to help you build a room.


Well-Known Member
This is a great idea :). It would be nice for if/when you are busy doing something (either in game or real life) and you need someone else (or multiple people) to control/watch over your room.
This exists in other online games, like Habbo Hotel. (Although it doesn't list who has rights to the players, as sometime people get jealous if you give a friend of yours rights but don't give them rights). In Habbo a "give rights" option is available, it allows moving furniture, booting players, and banning players. No removing furniture, just as you described.

That being said, I see no reason for this not to happen in the future, however there's some other things that are higher priority at the moment. :)

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