Sort of a goodbye

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I should have done this a while ago when I decided to limit my time here on the game. Before, when I first found out about this game, I was really excited. Not only being very nostalgic, I acquired new friends along the way. Soon after honestly, I noticed how people changed and took this game too seriously. I felt as if I was not able to voice my own opinions without being attacked or criticized. Soon after I just decided to focus myself into my school, work, and social life.
In the beginning, I used to spend hours on this game with all the friends I made, but now every time I log in, I just feel so uneasy.
This isn't a permanent goodbye, since from time to time when I get bored I'll drop on by, but it'll only happen couple times a month.

I do love you guys who made me feel like this game was worth getting on for many hours. :hearts:


Ace is the name, room recreation is the game.
I've only just met your acquaintance in an auction room today, but I was blessed to do so. Thank you for your time in the kingdom, and I only hope to see you again. Take care.



♥Disneyland Addict♥
Samira Ily you have always been such a fun person to hang around with I'm not on too much either but hopefully I run into you while your on and we can catch up! Hope you are doing well :) <3
Aw, I haven't seen you in-game in awhile :c bye :(
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