The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug


Well-Known Member
i'm jealous
there was a lot added and changed from the book, but if you treat the film(s) and book as separate entities, it all worked out really, really well~ i can't wait to see the third installment next year!

so pretty much omg it was amazing ;_;

except the romance that peter jackson felt must be added. i'm not at all fan of romance. however, were i such a person, i probably would have thought it was rather sweet.

and let me throw this out there. i hope peter jackson never pursues the silmarillion as a film lol. PART 13 OF 28, GUISE!


Well-Known Member
I thought it was better than the first one, but Jackson still seems to have some issues with the pace of the film. It was improved from the last, though. Yeah, I don't know how I feel about Tauriel and Legolas being in it especially since they aren't in the book. I don't know, I know the Hobbit and LOTR are completely different but I feel like The Hobbit will never be like LOTR is. I still like the movies though.


Well-Known Member
It was so good!
It was better than the last movie because it had much more of a punch in it's story line.
The first one was just a sort of 'getting there' movie in my eyes, this one was much more climatic.
I really liked seeing Legolas again. He didn't have a part in the book, but his father did so it was appropriate to bring him back. I had a problem with a few of the scenes being too unrealistic (as funny as that sounds for being a fantasy movie), but I really enjoyed it.


Well-Known Member
Theatrically, it was a fantastic movie. Some unrealistic scenes, but come on, this is a fantasy world we're talking about with magic...

However, if you were hoping it would keep close to the book, you might want to keep on walking. While it tries to keep close to important features of the books, it's obvious Peter Jackson was adding a lot to appeal to all the audiences and maximize profit. Romance, lots of fighting, random moral choices, and cute kids.

Great movie, but not the Hobbit you remember

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I saw the double feature which was also my first time seeing the movies. My boyfriend said they don't quite follow the books, but for someone who hadn't seen it before, it made sense. We went home and immediatley began watching LoTR to catch me up on everything. I enjoyed it and look forward to one day reading the books.
Fiyero said:
Some unrealistic scenes, but come on, this is a fantasy world we're talking about with magic...
Some scenes didn't feel authentic even in the fantasy setting. Without giving anything away, the river scene and one of the parts in Erebor come to mind. Both scenes would have been feasible with elf characters, but not dwarfs. It was nothing that ruined the movie; it just had me rolling my eyes.