To the depressed players


Angst Expert
Hey everyone,
im not very open with my personal life, but i suffer from depression. I share this because i know there are other players out there who suffer from the same thing. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Below will be a video that helps me out every time i have an episode, my personal email if things get too much to handle, and some contact numbers if youre at your last leg. The world may be uninterested but I am. I hope this brings hope to someone.

1 (800) 273-8255 : Suicide hotline my email
I wish you luck, Seqouia. I suffer from depression as well so I know exactly what you're talking about. If anyone feels like they're alone, I am and will forever be here for you. Goodluck and stay strong.
Thank you so much for sharing this! This can be so helpful for someone and I hope everyone whose suffering gets to see this. I've dealt with in my past and luckily overcame it, but I wish you all the best! If you ever need someone to talk to, swing me a PM! I'm always here to talk! :)


Smile and the world smiles with you
I too struggle with depression. It can be a very big mountain sometimes. I have dealt with it for decades. It does get better. I hang on to those times when I know the chemicals in my body are working right and can feel more like myself. So I hold on to those good thought, even if at the moment I really can not feel them. It is a roller coaster ride. So just hang on :)
I can relate, having also experienced depression as well as anxiety. Lately it has been awful dealing with family, which is the reason for my absence from the game. Music has always helped me cope, but I'm here if anyone ever wants to talk. I'll try to help you if I can :)


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for posting this! I also suffer from depression and have for many years. I know the feeling of being alone and how terrible it can be. I tend to hide in my room and stay as far away from everyone when I get one of my episodes which always makes it worse but talking does help. So if anyone ever needs anyone to talk to, I am always here to talk :)


Official Iron Can
As some one who used to be very depessed, I am always glad to see posts like this. I don't want to be the one who wags her finger and says it gets better, but it honestly does if you put yourself in the right mindset. I used to be very oveweight, got 2-4 hours of sleep every night, and was utterly miserable. One summer I decided to make myself go to bed early and started occasionally going to the gym. I joined a Zumba class and was the only sixteen year old white girl. And within two months I was a COMPLETELY different person. It gave me the confidence to not deprive myself basic needs for punishment (i.e. you don't need to have breakfast and lunch because you'll be eating dinner eventually, you didn't study for your test so just don't go to bed, ect).

Another important thing to remember is to cut loose toxic people from your life. Best decision I ever made. If you are depressed the last thing you need is someone else depressed dragging you down (unless they are actively trying to get better and want to share that with you). If your friends aren't there for your recovery, telling you to suck it up, or only dragging you down/triggering you then you are better off focusing on yourself.

My inbox is always open if any of you need someone to talk to. You all were there for me when my ex boyfriend tried to commit suicide over Christmas break and I will never forget that :halcyon:
There is a lot of Vmk players who suffer from lots of things depression, sadness, anxiety, etc.( I think its more than average) If you see someone getting in a grumpy mood on Vmk or in real life, or they're being rude or mean. It doesn't mean that they're mean or rude, it usually means they have some types of stress in their lives. If you see some other players on Vmk do this, Trade them and private chat them to help them. I try to help a bunch of people on Vmk, and already have. I have my doors open and will talk and try to help you with understanding yourself, and how you can improve yourself to what you want to be. The reason i do this, is because I went to the extreme point a lot of people haven't gone and i reflected on a lot of things, I'm even happy that i can type this as of now. My In game name (IGN) is Aztec_king and Cicada. AKA the zombie guy. You may Pm me on the forums.
This is such a beautiful post. That's what I love about VMK because regardless of our lives in real life, we all come together to this game from our childhood and the fact that Disney has helped us by creating VMK. I have also dealt with depression and self-harm in my past.

It does get better, and if anyone needs to talk to me I am always here. :halcyon: