Tsum Tsum pole: Should they be easier to get?

Would you like to see tsum tsum's be made easier for players to get?


    Votes: 80 89.9%
  • No

    Votes: 9 10.1%

  • Total voters
Considering that:
-the demand for these pins is high
-that not everyone had a chance to get them yesterday during pirates, considering it was unannounced, and then some people didnt know until today
-that the amount of pirates pts was high,
-that it isn't always easy to get for a consolation prize,
-and that you have a lot larger chance of getting a common pin
I think it would be good to make the bags slightly more easy to obtain even if that means lowering the chance you'll get a rare pin.
I was thinking maybe tsum tsum available in all minigames, except classic fireworks because it keeps getting excluded assuming there is a reason, and they would be there all the time. I understand like 1k in HM but that's for one month straight. 3k for pirates would be fine, but it was only for one day! I love the tsum tsum pins, I wish I could've earned more, but they were so hard, not to mention i got deducted points for the pin in pirates (maybe glitch).


Well-Known Member
I would love it if they were easier to get. The amounts set to earn them in Jungle Cruise and Pirates were so high I was immediately discouraged, especially since I am not good at either game. Why not have them available in all games? And why not make them the consolation prize for host events for everyone, not just one of several things you might get. (Personally I'm kinda sick of palm tree tops) If there were only a few of the pins to get that would be different, but there are so many, and all so cute.
One thing Amy mentioned at the start of the game was that this is a game that is based on effort and trading.
You will not earn every item the "easy" way. If you want the entire set, you'll have to trade for it.
Sorry about it.


Well-Known Member
I like how it's brought more people online :D But I do like how not everyone has them. It's so fun to trade for them I think instead of everyone having them all, idk. Feel like everyone having them doesn't make it as fun.

Also- the prices for them I've seen are:
Commons- 10k or less
Silver/Rares- 15k
More demand Silvers- 20k

There are people offering more for silvers/rares, but to me it's mainly because they want to attain of them because it's their "favorite" per se and they are offering ridiculous amounts because no one wants to trade them away at this time or that is their favorite as well.


Well-Known Member
I like how it's brought more people online :D But I do like how not everyone has them. It's so fun to trade for them I think instead of everyone having them all, idk. Feel like everyone having them doesn't make it as fun.

Also- the prices for them I've seen are:
Commons- 10k or less
Silver/Rares- 15k
More demand Silvers- 20k

There are people offering more for silvers/rares, but to me it's mainly because they want to attain of them because it's their "favorite" per se and they are offering ridiculous amounts because no one wants to trade them away at this time or that is their favorite as well.
Miss and I have slaved over them to get our favorites.... It NEEEDS to be easier..
I definitely liked the minigame incentive better--would be nice to see them make a return, even if it was just on the weekends or some other type of deal. I do like that more people are trading again, and the introduction of more ultra rares is nice, this will be a big bump to people looking to gain things they've always wanted but never had enough to get, such as the super rare clothing from crates of the past.
I've always preferred rewards that you can work towards vs. luck based rewards. With points, I know it will take me longer than the average player but I will get it eventually. Luck has not always been my friend in this game.

That being said, it's day 3 of many for these pins. The value WILL go down if you wait a week or two.
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Well-Known Member
it would be cool if they did another day like next saturday to win in minigames
Amy said they might pick another weekend later to do it again with the mingames so it kinda makes me laugh cause people are paying 100k+ for them when they are gonna get another chance to earn them.
It'd be nice to at least make them available through playing Haunted Mansion. It's double credits week and there is NOBODY in the HM lobby because they're scrounging for Tsums. Finally, my favorite game is DC, and nobody is even there to play! :no: