Venting... About Wives I'm around...


New Member
So, I have to vent, because I'm frustrated tonight. It's my own fault for surrounding myself with these women, however 1.) they are everywhere I go! And 2.) I shouldn't judge other people's lifestyles. HOWEVER, that goes both way. I'm a military wife, but I don't label myself as that, because I strongly believe it should not be a wife's identity. But for arguments sake... I'm a military wife. Well, i constantly feel judged by these women! And it's not all, by any means, but it's a significant number. They makes petty comments like, "You're the wife. It's your job to make your husband comfortable." Or "why do you work? Doesn't your husband want you to take care of his home?" Uhhh, hello! You have every right to stay home, live your life, etc, but lay off! Ugh and now I feel like a bigot who looks down on people, but I'm frustrated tonight because they really ticked me off.

Rant over.


Well-Known Member
I love a good rant, it really does help when you're bottling up so much.
Anyways, I wish more people would understand that we don't live to serve others.
I'm 19 though so I don't know very much about this sort of thing necessarily, it's just unfortunate that people think that way, I'm sorry you have to deal with them.
Those comments they make seem extremely old fashioned and little belittling to me, but maybe their significant others make enough that they don't feel strapped for cash like most families do.
I know quite a few military wives who also have their own jobs because they have make ends meet, and have a little money to treat themselves with from time to time.
I understand you as a soldier myself; and as a fellow military wife. I am constantly judged compared to my husband because I'm also in the military and they criticize me for having a son and being military; yet my husband is a hero for supporting his family. Military spouses have a bad rap for NOT working and I applaud you for not being "that wife" lol or dependapotamuses as soldiers refer to them lol two paychecks beat one anyday! Even if he does make enough to pay all the bills himself, its nice to have extra to save/shop/entertain/etc :)


New Member
Hi loves! I'm so so sorry for my late response! Thank you for being so open-minded and understanding. I understand all sides, but I believe everyone has the right to live their lives to the fullest, and to many, that may be different than mine! And that's OK, but it goes both ways. They're just sexist! Agh!


Literal Princess
Military Wife in training, here. Gurl I feel you. Every milwife here seems to be doing nothing (staying at home, not working). They also don't have kids (well, not all of them). But like, I haven't found one yet that I like and I feel weird trying to befriend them because I'm not even married yet?? But they all seem so pretentious. I hope I'm not like that tho bc I grew up an army brat (dad's retired) so I'm not new to being a military dependent, and hopefully that's what the problem is lol
Military Wife in training, here. Gurl I feel you. Every milwife here seems to be doing nothing (staying at home, not working). They also don't have kids (well, not all of them). But like, I haven't found one yet that I like and I feel weird trying to befriend them because I'm not even married yet?? But they all seem so pretentious. I hope I'm not like that tho bc I grew up an army brat (dad's retired) so I'm not new to being a military dependent, and hopefully that's what the problem is lol
So I've been in for four years and married half that time and nearly all the military wives I've met feel like they deserve everything from everyone and no one is more important then them lol so just don't be that girl and although you may not make friends with some of the wives, some of them are pretty cool. You just gotta wing out the bad ones and don't let them get to you. Do what you need to do for your family and don't let anyone tell you different!