

Well-Known Member
Anyone else collect Vinylmation? My husband and I both collect, and he's been collecting much longer than I. Is there such a thing as too many? xD

My Collection

This list actually needs to be updated.. I got quite a few more over the holidays. Lol.


calm down pls
honestly, when vinylmation came out i was like "this is the hip new thing??" i never really got into it, i guess it just wasn't my thing. i do really like pin trading tho, but vinylmations arent my style. it's really neat that you and your husband love it though! that rocks!


Well-Known Member
So i searched this thread cause I just started buying them again (already owned 26, already bought three and have 12 more coming if I win them) and thanks @Baka for that site cause Id never heard of it and it just made things waaaaaay easier.


Well-Known Member
Wow.. that's a lot! I don't have any yet, but I plan to collect some. where is the best place to buy them?
Right now, for me, ebay. At Disney and through their store, theyre generally $10-15 apiece, and thats for current ones. Retired ones are more. Amazon, you can find a few that are on the cheaper side, like $5-10 apiece, but ebay you can get em super cheap. I have 12 bids, total of $55 for the 12 (and I think like $9-15 for shipping?) But yeah you can get em for like $.99 apiece.
Right now, for me, ebay. At Disney and through their store, theyre generally $10-15 apiece, and thats for current ones. Retired ones are more. Amazon, you can find a few that are on the cheaper side, like $5-10 apiece, but ebay you can get em super cheap. I have 12 bids, total of $55 for the 12 (and I think like $9-15 for shipping?) But yeah you can get em for like $.99 apiece.
Yeah I've seen them listed on Amazon for around $10 or higher, never seen them listed any cheaper, I'll def check eBay. Thanks for the insight!
I love vinyls!

I buy mine through eBay or in Facebook groups. There are some great groups that sell vinyls at discounted rates. I've also won a few through Facebook auctions. If anyone wants the name of the groups send me a pm :)