VMK Pet-Peeves

When you walk in a room and say hi to people but get completely ignored, the fact that people hoard rares and never want anything I have up for trade even though a lot of it is worth it and good, when you're playing cute or boot and you actually look cute but you get out, when quests make you play fireworks, idk I honestly have so many lol.


Real-Life Merida
When people don't understand the booting concept. I don't like it when people complain about someone getting booted. It's different if someone boots a lot of people for no reason. But when it's just one person or maybe even two people, you need to understand that the owner of the room has every right to boot whomever they want. If you're not okay with it, you should leave. You don't come into someone's house and tell them how to run it.


just your friendly neighborhood allusion
> When people overuse the "plz" language
> When people call me a noob because of my fisherman hat
> People who beg for free annoyingly
> shockwave crashing after I've caught about 50+ ghosts in HM / dcing
> favoritism in cute or boot
> when people gang up on me in player games because " i'm too rich for the prize anyway"
> people who groan about me having a lot of one item
> those of whom block the quest room/objects
> /trade request " hey im so glad vmk is back rofl, have something I could have for free?"
> when you are pulling a lanyard full of sits and some random heathen comes up and wiggles the dang sword out when you've literally not pulled one single sword since the PPR and ALR pins without saying, "mind if I use it?"
> the people who just chat, incessantly in all trade rooms . blocking the text of those who are trading
> guest stealers : people who make up a reason for the mass of individuals in one room, to visit THEIR room, just to get it popular
> this one sounds so bad but can't help it : when a much newer players corrects me on a value I am sure of
> people who boot you for zero reason, but get mad when you do it back
> this isnt a pet peeve but I AM NOT IN A CLIQUE BECAUSE WE ALL HAVE "RARE" WE SIMPLY JOINED AT THE SAME TIME. EVER THINK OF THAT ONE?! < very peeved about that sorry. >


Smile and the world smiles with you
(glad someone posted this)


its RUDE!

Have manners wait your turn its pretty simple to respect others!
This is my biggest pet peeve in the game. I always check the lanyard and if they have a lot I switch rooms. Not sure why those who complain about those hogging the stone can not do the same thing.

Bullying and disrespect in the game. Especially those who have the green eyed monster disease.
I know once the gingerbread judging is done this will happen again. It hurts me to see other players hurt by others being cruel.

This game depends so much on how others treat each other. Too many tears have happened because people forget there is real people behind the pixels.

When I try to get into a host game and I freeze and can not say a word.

Players who think they are superior and talk down to players.

The economy that has ruin the fun of half the players. Many who just gave up.

The lack of appreciation for all the staff do to help create fun in this game. They are all volunteers dedicating countless hours.
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This is my biggest pet peeve in the game. I always check the lanyard and if they have a lot I switch rooms. Not sure why those who complain about those hogging the stone can not do the same thing.

Bullying and disrespect in the game. Especially those who have the green eyed monster disease.
I know once the gingerbread judging is done this will happen again. It hurts me to see other players hurt by others being cruel.

This game depends so much on how others treat each other. Too many tears have happened because people forget there is real people behind the pixels.

When I try to get into a host game and I freeze and can not say a word.

Players who think they are superior and talk down to players.

The economy that has ruin the fun of have the players. Many who just gave up.

The lack of appreciation for all the staff do to help create fun in this game. They are all volunteers dedication countless hours.

I feel the same way!!!


Well-Known Member
I mean I hate the unnecessary drama. ITS A VIRTUAL FREAKING GAME. Make friends. Buy things. Go on adventures. Let people live their life. If you don't like them.. LEAVE THE DANG ROOM.

And I get that this is a huge part of the game but... I hate values:)) so much. It has become the overwhelming motive behind the game and I hate it. If I like something and want to trade it, I will expect something I want equally. Not this bologna involving this is worth 1k ooooo. Sorry. People will hate me. But I'm JUST PREACHING.
Where do I begin?

1) When you are in someone's room, sitting in "their" chair, and they just boot you instead of asking you to move. I understand owners have that authority, but instead of booting me and making me wait five minutes before I can even come back in your room, just ask me to move. I will.
2) The values of these in-game items are ridiculous, and I think some people are just so stingy. If I had a Stitch hat, and I wanted Herbie shoes bad enough for it, baby, I am giving you that hat. I don't care. "I'll only trade this for 40 firewalls." You're making a virtual world (that is supposed to be fun) way too economical, stop it.
3) When people throw fits in games such as Cute or Boot or DHTF. I know sometimes Cute or Boot can be based around favoritism, but these are just silly games. For instance, I played DHTF revenge yesterday and picked this girl I had never even seen before, a couple times, and she's like "GURL what do you have against me?!?!" It's okay, sugar. Relax.
4) When people are in a trade room to hangout instead of actually trade. I cannot even tell how many times my trade offers were not acknowledged because non-traders are taking over the chat.
5) The bullying and trolling. I used to be on Habbo Hotel, before this, and that was all I ever saw, which is a major reason why I left in the first place, because it was that childish. But now it's like "OH, you have the drowsy eyes, you want to be me" so they and all of their friends become harassers over something so petty, ruining the purpose of the game, which is to have fun and interact. Or, "Hey, they just started, let's pick on them." Like, I saw a new VMK user one day, and she simply said, "I'm not sure how to play or do this. Can someone help me? :)" and someone mocked her like "Can someone help me? :) :) :) :) :)"

Can't we just get along, like seriously.
When someone gives everyone in the room the control to their room, but proceed to get angry if someone moves their stuff and they can't figure out who it is.
rofl hilarious[DOUBLEPOST=1419260574][/DOUBLEPOST]
When i'm playing cute or boot and they actually boot me from the room :|
omg lol.
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I feel like its cliquey...in a virtual world. I don't understand. I try to talk to some of the "richer" or "popular" players and am not acknowledged. I get it that you get your high from being like this but is it really necessary on a virtual game based off of Disney...0.O
I keep hearing this, but I have yet to find anyone like this. I'm really curious to meet these people. :/



Well-Known Member
I keep hearing this, but I have yet to find anyone like this. I'm really curious to meet these people. :/

I'm not going to name names and I really do no think these people realize they do it. I just find myself in a room trying to add to a conversation and it is just very difficult to be included. I always notice it is the same people together doing it. Maybe it was just a coincidence.