VMK Pet-Peeves


Well-Known Member
When your team member hogs up all the ghost in hm and i end up only getting like 10 ghost while they have like 53 D:

Uncool strongly hate it when this happens.especially when they clearly see u going after a specific ghost but they budge in and suck it up for themselves anyways
When you're in a trade room looking to trade (bc trade room??)
and there's that one group of people who clump together in a corner of the room talking about absolutely nothing,
yet blowing up the chat feed making it impossible to actually trade.
Like seriously, they think they're funny but they're just really obnoxious.
Pls stop.


Well-Known Member
When you're in a trade room looking to trade (bc trade room??)
and there's that one group of people who clump together in a corner of the room talking about absolutely nothing,
yet blowing up the chat feed making it impossible to actually trade.
Like seriously, they think they're funny but they're just really obnoxious.
Pls stop.
How the people with the most 'rare' are all besties, and apparently want to act like this is middle school, and be "cool kids" lol. Am I the only one who noticed?
The fact that firewalls are our entire economy -___-
The fact that we even have an economy in the first place
Burn the economy down
Wreck it
• People who act like your friend, then turn against you.
• People who uses websites outside myvmk to talk/post about you/other people.
• People who harass new people that comes into myvmk.
• People who complains about everything (pirates, new items, etc).
• People who only complains and doesn't appreciate that the game is back, just for that.

(To be continue.. I got more) :stubborn:
When you say you are trading something for another and someone says that your trade is an unfair one :P you don't know what else I'm trading! Back the flippidy flack paddy wack off!
when i walk into a room and people don't bow down to my presence...
I also really hate when you're playing a hosted game and all the people are rude as heck and super mean for absolutely no reason. Like just have fun, okay? It's a game.

ALSO CAN EVERYONE JUST BE NICE TO EVERYBODY IN GENERAL??? Some of the people on this game act like turds
When people hard core low ball you during a trade and they know it...:no::faint::table:
* When I walk into a room and say "hi" and zero people respond and just continue on with their conversation.
* When Every room in myvmk that gets traffic is a trade room, a game room or a trade room. (Its usually a trade room)
* When I spend 5 decades playing cute or boot and I win a crate or something.
* When people only talk to the same group of people.
* When people use the word "litro" [I Cringe Every - Single - Time]
* When I get paired with someone at Haunted Mansion who has made it their life-long mission to make sure we lose by giving the other team a plethora of extra points.
(like booboo, letme write your name down on this list of usernames that I will no longer be teammates with ever again. oh and when they "GG" ME - gasp -.PLSBYE)
* When I start a new HM game and no one joins (despite it being a room full of people) IDGI. is yall 2 good?
* When I start a new HM game and no one joins, yet someone will create a second game and it turns into a 3v3 and im sitting there in the lobby like "oh"
* When I go into public rooms and their empty.
* When MyVmk is more about Trading than it is about socializing.
* When I have to go to a traderoom just so i can socialize [seriously, where else do people go?]
* When Straight males Flirt on Females. [THIS AINT CHRISTIANSMINGLE BOO]
* When I give something for free to a newbie and they don't worship me for being so kind. I could excuse that BUT A THANK YOU WOULDA BEEN NICE BOOO (literally considered asking for my stuff back when a newbi doesn't say thank you)
* When a group of people are talking about something and I try to join the conversation and they REFUSE to acknowledge me as if I were a dog in a high class restaurant begging for scraps of food under their high class table.
person A: Wow it was the best movie ever
Person B: omg did u see the part where she died?

Me: oh what movie?
person B: wow I was so scared.

Me: uhm.. What movie are we talking about.
Person D: I particularly enjoyed the part where she was like "muahahahahhaa"
Me: - cough -
Person A: omg remember when henry was like "and than she said..."
Me:(and than I start saying their username's) hey PERSON A what movie are you guys talking about
- Person A Changes Subject

= please keep in mind that this is occurring while my avatar is standing directly infront of the others, while waving my pixilated arm like a Common Madman.


Wow. I feel reborn. this is so therapeutic.
Finna bookmark so I can add on to the list
Sorry for any repeats but:
-People who think they are funny when they are just rude
-People who disregard others because they don't have rares and even vice versa (b/c the notion that everyone with rares thinks they are the greatest thing ever is not true)
-The silence....everywhere.......
It's annoying when people block access to quest objects.
when the opposite team on HM has like 10 ghosts of their color, you get possessed and they chase after ONLY YOU.

1. When people bring personal drama into the game.
2. People that always run to the enemy team as a ghost in HM.
3. When I've built an intricate room, but I acccidently move the piece I need somewhere that I can't reach unless I take everything apart... -_-
when people take the game more seriously than real life.
The fact that people felt it necessary to create a complex economy in a game that would've otherwise functioned perfectly fine without a complex economy. If someone has something you think is cool, and you have something they think is cool, why not be able to trade it? Who cares about the item's "value"?


Well-Known Member
This is more of a forum pet-peeve, but trade threads where people don't update. Or when they do and they decide to strike out or highlight traded items. Just remove them and save everybody some time! I don't need to know that you traded somebody else the exact item I want and can't find!
when ur playing HM and someone decides to take the better floor every. single. round.

seriously, I'd like to earn some credits too and it's kind of hard when you're being super stingy about it. At least when I play, I will take the 'better floor' one round and then I'll let the other person have it the next, I don't just hog them all to myself every round because I know everyone else wants to earn credits too.


Well-Known Member
when you're sitting in the entrance of HM lobby, minding your own business, waiting for your friend to play a 1v1, and people keep bugging you like "chemical join" like no if i wanted to play 2v2 with y'all i would've joined 5 minutes ago


Being A SiteOwner Keeps Me Busy.
My Pet-Peeves Are:
1.) How much people complain on this game instead of doing something to improve it or having fun.
2.) Knowing players who purposely scam noobs.
3.) When everyone in the entire forum can blow up a thread to complain, but very few want to come together for anything special on a thread right below it.


Do you believe everything on the internet
people who hang out in potc lobby and dont join games, making a queue for the room :squee:
Check 'Advanced Mode" and enter at a different instance - the fewer mickey ears, the less people.

Um, I'm annoyed by people who still say the word bae. Or when you're in DHTF, people say "o" every single time their number is rolled/chosen. Why is it necessary?

do you ever get suspicious that the person you're playing hm with might be purposefully not catching a ghost so that it will catch you and then they can get an extra 2 points?????? e_e
and of course I do this, I expect everyone to. It's smart.


I shoot when you're stuck.
Check 'Advanced Mode" and enter at a different instance - the fewer mickey ears, the less people.
I know about this but when games let out it doesn't always go to an empty instance. Ive finished a game to only be greeted with a queue of 7-8 people before. And when you're playing with friends it's a pain to not be able to get into the same lobby.