What are your VMK memories


Well-Known Member
dream ears, space suits, the monorail, the pool, idk ill edit more later :D the stitch hat :D


disney pin trader since 2004
I remember when I wanted to use film and I couldn't figure out how so a random girl in the esplanade helped me out. Her name was AdventureAnnie and we were best friends. ^u^
I remember waiting forever to get into ride-a-thons.
I remember I was a baby with a mom named Cranberries.
I remember the last day, the last minute I was on. I went to say goodbye to the last person on my friend's list, and I started crying. It was a horrible way to end.


Well-Known Member
I met my VMK best friend (we're still friends to this day) at a stupid high school cheerleading team tryouts and we argued over some guy (we were silly little 7th graders) but then we became friends lol.
Being wanna-be scenes at Sci-Fi Dine-In