What book should i read?

So, the last time I actually read a book (for fun) was middle school. But since ill be on a 14 hour plane ride I figured I should bring a book. Ones that I remember liking were Tuesdays with morrie, Chinese Cinderella, kite runner. So I was wondering if anyone had suggestion or your favorite book I should read :)


l'antico vampiro
Lots of free time hmmm...I would recommend Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco . It seems to be one of those esoteric novels that really forces the reader to dive deeper into the words written and the author's intention. Well written, one of my favorite novels.

Although, if you find that novel is too onerous to grasp after a few hours, you could try some of Dan Brown's popularized novels such as Angels and Demons or The Da Vinci Code.

One book I'd never recommend is Finnegans Wake by James Joyce lol, you will end up tearing the novel up asking if he was on acid or something when he wrote it. You will literally pull your hair out because that book has made up language that I've found taxing to understand. Anyone that says they enjoyed Finnegan's Wake is probably a psycho and full of you know what....lol. I think the dude did it on purpose....to even the most patient of readers, wanting people to throw his book across the room


10 mins late to everything
May sound absolutely typical but I absolutely definitely recommend you to read the Hunger Games trilogy, I have so far made about 7 people read ALL 3 books, and they were ALL hooked, despite its popularity it's those books that have those small feelings that you really can't explain even though it revolves around children committing homicide.

IF you unfortunately said no because you don't want to read it (sucks for you) or you already read them all (you're awesome) I say u should read the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chobosky (excuse me if I spelled the last name incorrectly) but that book made me sob (on the inside, I was at school...) and made me watch the movie starring Emma Watson and Logan Lerman as the two main characters. This book is about a boy; Charlie who has been undertaking personal problems and just entered high school. (it's been a while so I might be getting confused with other books) his best friend recently commited suicide. His other true friend his aunt, died on Charlie's birthday (or Christmas?) to buy him a little present; she died in to car crash while driving to the store (he has guilt ya)
For darker reads, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, The Pact by Jodi Picoult, White Oleander by Janet Fitch. For lighter reads, Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson which is more romantic. Zorro by Isabel Allende for something more adventurous. Aleph by Paulo Coelho for something more philosophical. I'm not sure if you like science fiction, but The Maze Runner series is fun and quick to read. The Hush, Hush Saga you may like if you're into Twilight, etc.


Well-Known Member
If you like medieval kind of fantasy stuff and want a long series, I love the Rangers Apprentice series. I'm reading it for a second time, and it's a series I could read a lot if times. It's 12 books long and follows the life of a single character from apprenticeship of being a ranger (hard to explain what a ranger is lol) until he himself has an apprentice.


Ohana means family.
The Maze Runner by James Dashner (Upcoming Movie will be Released)
Divergent Series by Veronica Roth (Movie Released)
The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann