What do you REALLY want to do with your life.


Well-Known Member
I want to do a lot. There's so much I want to learn and even pursue during college that I swear my advisor's gonna think I'm nuts if I try adding another minor or major. I'm a Psychology and Interdisciplinary Sciences (Neuroscience and Forensic Science) double major and I've also asked about adding a dual degree in art.

My ultimate goal is to work with kids - mainly autistic ones. Having autism makes me want to research the biological basis of it (hence the neuroscience major) and my school actually has an autism lab, so it works out pretty well. But I also want to travel and write books... and music is another one of my passions as well.

So I don't really know. I guess I'll just have to see.

As for kids, I've always wanted multiples - either twins or triplets and then to adopt a child from China. :D


Well-Known Member
makeup artistry.
its a tough one, but hey, yolo... so i do what i want.
my best friend dropped out of engineering school to become a makeup artist. She tells me all the time it's the best decision she ever made.[DOUBLEPOST=1417708426][/DOUBLEPOST]
**I also thought I might add that I really want to have kids, but at this point our society terrifies me to the point where I wouldn't want to raise a family in this kind of nonsense. I don't want to have to teach my child that police officers are supposed to be good, but don't make them angry because they can use lethal force if they need to prove a point. And I'm not saying this to incite a heated discussion about police officers and racial issues. My boyfriend is a police officer. I just don't want to have to have that kind of conversation with my children, you know? Maybe things will change in the few years ahead before I'm ready to settle down, anyway. I sure hope so.
I agree completely. I know we're at different view points, wanting kids and not, but this really speaks to me. Idk though, maybe it's worth it. If you teach your children to notice a persons character before the color of their skin, their chosen career, or their family background, you've done all you can. I think a comedian said this, "Racism is not born, it's taught." This can apply to all forms of discrimination (race, gender, sexuality) in the world. I really loved your story and all the others that have been posted.

A little side note speaking of boyfriends: mine was born and raised in saudi arabia ( his family is from minnesota, whiter than me) and wants to move back in a few years for an engineering job. Sometimes we make sacrifices for those we love, but remember your dreams are just as important as his! ;)
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Official Iron Can
I want to become a published author as famous as Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, F. Scott Fitzgerald, ect.

I want my novel to be turned in to a movie as well.

I think personally that I am a fantastic writer, but I have trouble not wanting to edit every single thing I write. I have been writing the same novel for several years because I keep re-writing it. But I could not imagine not being an author in my adult life.

As far as a career goes (besides the writing) I would like to work as a journalist so I can travel and write at the same time. And maybe do some work in publishing.


This is the quote that keeps me going when I want to start over or give up:

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time."
- Thomas A. Edison
My ultimate Dream Job is to be a recording artist.
I want to go on tour, sing my heart out and make music on stage every-night.
When I was younger, music helped push me forward when I felt like giving up and I want my music to do the same for other kids.

My realistic Dream job would probably be psychiatry. It pays well and I'd still get to help people overcome their situations.
plus, people would have to call me "Doctor". It's sexy but i would be in my 30s by the time I can start working and I have more passion in music.

I also want to be a photographer. I want to create artistic photos of humans that are hung up in museums.

I'm starting college in January. My major is Music.
rip me. Gl.


Well-Known Member
I'm studying to be an elementary teacher at the moment, which is definitely one of my passions. However, I have sooo many others, and it's not possible to do them all. I'm so interested in the holistic, mind-body health industry--primarily all of these "diet" rules that plague society, and I feel like I would enjoy health coaching people with food issues like eating disorders, since I have so much compassion for that after going through it myself. I also have a dream of being a published novelist-- I wrote my first novel my junior year of high school, and writing brings me so much joy.
My ultimate Dream Job is to be a recording artist.
I want to go on tour, sing my heart out and make music on stage every-night.
When I was younger, music helped push me forward when I felt like giving up and I want my music to do the same for other kids.

My realistic Dream job would probably be psychiatry. It pays well and I'd still get to help people overcome their situations.
plus, people would have to call me "Doctor". It's sexy but i would be in my 30s by the time I can start working and I have more passion in music.

I also want to be a photographer. I want to create artistic photos of humans that are hung up in museums.

I'm starting college in January. My major is Music.
rip me. Gl.
Honestly any job can be realistic! Even cosplaying can be used as a job nowadays. Don't give up on a dream because you don't think its "realistic" follow them till the very end! :whee:
I recently switched my major to exercise science. Once I graduate, I hope to get into physical therapy school and at some point, become a physical therapist :cool:
Honestly any job can be realistic! Even cosplaying can be used as a job nowadays. Don't give up on a dream because you don't think its "realistic" follow them till the very end! :whee:
omg Tariel haha last night I had a dream that you were a host in myvmk.
I remember seeing your username in my dream. xD ha so weird that I wake up and receive a notification from you.
and thank you! :D
omg Tariel haha last night I had a dream that you were a host in myvmk.
I remember seeing your username in my dream. xD ha so weird that I wake up and receive a notification from you.
and thank you! :D
OMG lol thats so funny XD weird thing is i didn't even apply for HOST apps XD i don't have the same time free every day of the week so i couldn't aplly XD

Also yw :D
OMG lol thats so funny XD weird thing is i didn't even apply for HOST apps XD i don't have the same time free every day of the week so i couldn't aplly XD

Also yw :D
I noticed you were the first to comment on the host app tread so i probably just remembered that. xD
I noticed you were the first to comment on the host app tread so i probably just remembered that. xD
Lol probably XD idk if you remember but this was my podt

"I would apply but my schedule is so random i couldn't host anything at the same time every week -______________________-"



Well-Known Member
@Metaphor I love that quote. I'm in the middle of finals and that really just gave a the little tiny push I needed to keep going. I love it so much I actually just made it my twitter bio. Thanks for that, really.


Official Iron Can
@Metaphor I love that quote. I'm in the middle of finals and that really just gave a the little tiny push I needed to keep going. I love it so much I actually just made it my twitter bio. Thanks for that, really.
I have this quote written over my desk :) So glad it gave you the push you needed! Finals suck and are temporary but Thomas Edison? Thomas Edison is forever.

... okay I was kidding I know that wasn't the point. Haha! Seriously though I am glad it helped you out. It's the quote that always gives me strength when I'm about to give up.



Well-Known Member
I'm an EMT and am currently in Medic school. My dream job would be to work in a med-evac helicopter which is one of the most prestigious positions a medic can hold. Every time I see the med-evac team come into the ER I get goosebumps and feel like I'm in the presence of celebrities-I wonder if it's too stalkerish to ask for their autographs...