What's in your wallet?

This is just my furniture stash... and that isn't even all of it, several guest rooms I have made that are packed full of more haha. I just did this because I was bored. feel free to post what you have. I am just doing this to take inventory, now is a chance to see what I own lol

18 pages of What.png

(None of this is for trade, sorry, anything I am trading is posted on Trading Topic)


10 mins late to everything
I though ur talking about the rl wallet, you should have said inventory :p whatever I touch is worth more than you'll ever afford, even my excrement.


Well-Known Member
Hogie you don't have enough tron teleporters tbh


Well-Known Member
On myvmk i have 4 pages of furni

In real life my wallet has a $5 starbucks card, my ID, the bus pass i used yesterday, a picture of all my girl friends and i at senior ball, a spencer's pierced nation punch card, a receipt from the KP market, and $1.44