What's your job?


Well-Known Member
I'm really curious as to what your guy's jobs are so I made this thread so you all could post your job title and take pride in your jobs. Feel free to include stories from your daily work or even make up a job title if you don't have a job right now.

I'll start..

I'm a swim instructor and it's really amazing to think that I personally teach over 50 kids a day and help them learn a valuable life skill. I teach group lessons for kids aged 3-12, then have adult lessons and 1 on 1 private lessons on the side. My favorite thing about my job is our parent-child class. Parents bring their infants into the water and we sing songs and have a lot of fun while the babies start learning how to swim :) Seeing children improve and babies having fun in the water make all my hardwork and dedicated time worth it.

I love my job and I hope you guys do too, which is why I want to see what you guys do :)

Also, if any of you own a puppy farm, you are by law required to allow me to come visit and possibly take home all the puppies.


Well-Known Member
Mines not glamourous but I am a sales associate. However, I love the place I work at. I work at a children's clothing store and parents bring in their kids and babies and I love to talk to them. It makes the parents feel good & it makes me feel good as well.


Well-Known Member
Im a soccer referee.. I once had to red card a ten year old because he got slide tackled trying to get the ball and he ended up getting the ball then he got up, threw the ball at the head of the kid who slid him, then started crying when I gave him the red card..
I also almost had a fight in an older game. That was fun.


Well-Known Member
Im a soccer referee.. I once had to red card a ten year old because he got slide tackled trying to get the ball and he ended up getting the ball then he got up, threw the ball at the head of the kid who slid him, then started crying when I gave him the red card..
I also almost had a fight in an older game. That was fun.
you get a red card! and YOU get a red card! you all get red cards!
I am unemployed rn because the Universe hates me.

I do commission artwork and t-shirt design though???

The only other jobs I've ever had are:

"Watch the children; staple these."
"Look cute; now look scary."
"Look cute; make the others look cute."


hi i have four jobs

i work at a 5 star/5 diamond resort as a concierge
im a professional photographer
i recently started working a few hours a week with my buddy's food truck
i also model full time with sports illustrated


eyerolling is my cardio.
i'm a beauty advisor.
its sad because its retail, and over half of the people don't really appreciate you being there.
i love makeup artistry, its truly a waste to have me stand there for 7.5 hours.
it pays good. only reason i stay...
My job is filling out job applications and never getting calls, and being the maid for my parents to help around the house.

Like seriously people, most of these jobs I apply for I'm technically overqualified because I'm going for entry level position aka cashier or sales when I have 8 years experience being sales/cashier. Just call me already! :rage: (Sorry for the rant y'all. I'm just so over it.)