Where were you when the attacks on September 11 occurred?


Where did 4 years go?!
I was 6 or 7 at the time. Had only just begun kindergarten I think, and I believe I was home sick that day because I really only remember watching the towers burning on the news on the floor in my room. I was corresponding through cards and letters with a good friend of my grandmothers at that time whom was terminally ill and had passed away that day in a hospice, so even though I didn't personally lose anyone due to the attacks, it was still tragic for me, she was a wonderful woman and it was truly a loss for her to leave this world.


Well-Known Member
I was in my second year of kindergarten (yes, I failed kindergarten :whistle:). The class I was in ran from 9-11, and the school did not notify us of the attacks; they ended up canceling the afternoon kindergarten and dismissed everyone. When I got home, my father, who typically commuted very early in the morning, was home . What I mainly remember is sitting out on the front yard with my dad and taking. My grandparents were in Disney World when the attacks happened, and I assume that my mom wanted me out of the house while she watched everything on TV and tried to get in contact with my grandparents.

Thinking about the attacks now, it's quite scary realizing what could have happened. I lived around the Pittsburgh area during the attacks, and it was only a few years ago that I realized that flight 93 could have diverted to Pittsburgh once the terrorists knew that they were not going to get to DC (I think I read somewhere that their target was the Capitol Building or the White House).
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I was in my Kindergarten classroom and all I remember was staring at the calendar and then as soon as it happened my mom picked me and my brother up from school. My uncle was working in the city that day and was the building across the street or a block over and I remember my mom was on the phone with him. I knew what was happening but I didn't know for sure because my mom wouldn't let us see any footage.
I would've been 5-yrs. old and at home in Ohio. I was sheltered from the event for many, many years and I didn't learn about it until I was much older.
So, in all honesty, it doesn't have much significance to me. Not as much as those who witnessed it firsthand, at least.

However, my eyes catch 9:11 on the clock every morning and night. It's spooky! :o


Active Member
I was in 4th grade. I didnt really find out till after school what had happened, because the school told everyones parents that we were going to continue a full day and no one would be let out early. But as soon as the school day ended and we went outside everyones parents were crouded in the parking lot looking for their kids


Well-Known Member
My husband called me from work that morning. "What do you mean the World Trade Center is gone?" I asked in disbelief. Was watching live footage on the news when the second tower collapsed; newscasters were stunned when they realized it was not a replay of the first tower falling.

Got a call from my daughter to pick her up from work at La Brea Bakery, as Disneyland was sending everyone home. Thought it would be a madhouse trying to get there through crowds of people, but fortunately the parks had not opened yet. She brought huge bags of fresh-baked items home that were going to be thrown out; our freezer was full for quite a while.
I was in school either in prek-kinder (don't remember the exact grade) and I didn't realize what had happened. I do remember sending care packages to the firefighters, policemen, and servicemen and women that helped out in the weeks after. I was so young I didn't realize what had happened and how it would effect the entire world.


The Internet Champion!
Dropping my daughter off at dance class and listening to Howard Stern in the car. Went to K-Mart electronic dept. and watched on their TV's. We are in a large Military town and our schools and bases were locked down. I checked my oldest out of school, and started packing for my husband who was a Marine Corps Pilot at the time. He deployed days later.
Tell your husband The Internet Champion says thank you for his service!

And you were listening to Stern? That's funny, I was just listening to the exact same broadcast from that day, just last night.
I was in second grade. My teachers husband was actually in one of the towers so it was scary for all of us. Its scary how our lives changed in one day


Official Iron Can
I was about to turn five and was at my grandmother's house. I remember seeing the smoking building on the news and my mom said a plane had hit a building, but I was more concerned on discussing my party in the following days, so she shooed me out of the room. I had no idea that what was happening was much more important than my fifth birthday.