Winter Dream/Crate Prize List


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I would just like to say i did all 3 rounds of jungle cruise because I heard that doing so would result in a crate... and did NOT receive a crate so I think the chances are the same as completing a jungle cruise game as completing a potc game which if you weight that out... imo not worth playing jungle cruise but just wanted to clarify
We base it on time. So it could be 5 games of POTC for a crate is equal to 2 games of JC.


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Yes, it is the snowflake badge! If you already have one, you may gift it to someone else in the room. <3


Forever Awkward
Opened 32 crates, I got Snowflake Sweater and Ushanka Winter Hat - Red. After spending 220k credits on keys I've gotten a total of three items that aren't plushes. If you are the average player, do not bother opening these crates, simply not worth it.

Mx. Ryden

Well-Known Member
I get they're attempting to take credits out of the game, but a lot of us especially new players and casuals are broke and pretty much making/creating cred in the games then spending them on the crate keys, which isn't really taking anything out it's just nill. It's definitely a bit demotivating to spend 75k on One non-plushie item, and since i bought weekly items and had pending trades, I've got a ton of crates I'll never be able to open. The crates remaining would be over 100k, while I have under 50k, and I'm pretty demotivated to waste more on crates when one hat was 75k. I've resigned myself to being done with crates and just letting them build and rot in my inventory, and it's just day 2. I get y'all are trying to take cred out of the game but most of us are just trying to scrape to even Make any credits, and with 5k earning a 5k worth crate idk how we can even afford weekly releases. Mostly I worry this stuff is super demotivating to new players and casuals/people returning to the game, and it feels like only people who Are super rich with overstuffed cred banks are the only ones with a shot at getting any/all/most of the clothing. Which cool, take their money that's the point, but it feels like you gotta be rich to participate and half of us just want the cute stuff, and to Not feel incredibly regretful to waste what is a Lot of credit to us. 75k is NOT chump change >_> Just my two cents. I'm personally stressed and trying to forget the crates even exist right now.


Well-Known Member
I think there just needs to be an added day of double credits take out the kraken and let us be .... BTW, why does there need to be a credit reduction in the game? Honestly, it doesn't do anything to staff if we earn more credits does it?[DOUBLEPOST=1543826769][/DOUBLEPOST]and then to sell the plush, yall give us 10c? thats an insult lol. can we atleast get 2.5 back or sumthin