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Hey everyone. My in-game on the old VMK was Yarr. My in-game name for MyVMK is also Yarr. If you knew me on VMK before it closed, please let me know!

Now that that's out of the way, a little about myself. VMK was my first real online experience with MMOs, and to say I loved VMK would be an understatement. My VMK career lasted for about two years. I was pretty much addicted, and when it closed, I was crushed. I got over it fairly quickly to be quite frank, which in hindsight is surprising considering the amount of time I spent on it.

I was really big on trading and I absolutely adored getting magic and cool clothing items. But now that I've joined MyVMK, I've realized I don't really care that much about that stuff anymore. Perhaps it's because I'm starting fresh, but either way, the main reason I'm here is to find old friends, which is why I can't emphasize enough that if you think you knew me, please talk to me! I really want to reconnect with the people I was really close to.

I'm also going to go on a little tangent here, but I'm confused as to how MyVMK can even be a thing. I had such high hopes for previous projects such as VMKUnleashed, however those never came into fruition. I had always assumed that Disney owned the rights to VMK with an iron fist and that the legality of the situation would never allow a fan-made VMK replica to be made, but here it is. Can anyone fill me in on why Disney isn't coming down on MyVMK? I hope I don't sound arrogant, because my question stems from actual curiousity.

My old VMK in-game name and my MyVMK in-game name are both Yarr, so if you knew me before VMK closed, please let me know. I'm also curious as to how MyVMK is allowed to exist even though (I assume) Disney owns the rights to VMK, so if you have answers to that, please tell me.

Thank you. I'll try to be involved with this community as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
Welcome :)

To be quite honest, we don't know why Disney hasn't done anything. I guess they don't care. Who knows?


The Bellhop off the I-5
i think it's funny that *now* you dont care as much........if ever there was a time to care....trust me it's now.

lol firewalls amIright!?
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