What weird combinations of foods/drinks do you like to eat/drink?

- not extremely weird but I like dipping my oreos in peanut butter
- cream cheese on my hamburgers
- grapes and chocolate
- syrup on my eggs, sausage, bacon, and tater tots
- french fries with mozzarella cheese and marinara sauce

can't you tell I'm such a healthy person :bbq:


Well-Known Member
- not extremely weird but I like dipping my oreos in peanut butter
- cream cheese on my hamburgers
- grapes and chocolate
- syrup on my eggs, sausage, bacon, and tater tots
- french fries with mozzarella cheese and marinara sauce
cream cheese on hamburgers actually sound really good omg


Well-Known Member
A long time ago my family was at Epcot and we decided to mix ketchup and mayo and call it butter LOL

it's actually delicious and we still do it! :)
I eat carrots with cashew butter on them or sometimes i'll put maple syrup on scrambled eggs.
I do the maple syrup on scrambled eggs too! And on bacon and sausage.

- Wendy's chocolate frostys with french fries, or basically any fries with any chocolate shake.
- Ordering a cheese pizza with white sauce and asking for curly fries on it and then adding ketchup to it when I get it to my house.. CURLY FRY PIZZA IS THE BEST THING HANDS DOWN AND YOU ALL NEED TO TRY IT BEFORE JUDGING!!
- When I go out to eat and order chicken tenders and fries, I love dipping my fries in the honey mustard sauce, seems normal though.
- When I was little I used to eat straight up cheese covered in ketchup..
- Vinegar and pizza rolls, my friend got me hooked on this one.
- Bacon wrapped oreos
Also, when I eat like those jumbo soft pretzels, I LOVE dipping them in iced tea.. or at least eating them while drinking iced tea.. for some reason I just love this combo
I do the maple syrup on scrambled eggs too! And on bacon and sausage.

- Wendy's chocolate frostys with french fries, or basically any fries with any chocolate shake.
- Ordering a cheese pizza with white sauce and asking for curly fries on it and then adding ketchup to it when I get it to my house.. CURLY FRY PIZZA IS THE BEST THING HANDS DOWN AND YOU ALL NEED TO TRY IT BEFORE JUDGING!!
- When I go out to eat and order chicken tenders and fries, I love dipping my fries in the honey mustard sauce, seems normal though.
- When I was little I used to eat straight up cheese covered in ketchup..
- Vinegar and pizza rolls, my friend got me hooked on this one.
- Bacon wrapped oreos
I just had some Wendy's and i dunked my chicken in my frosty XD i have always dunked my wendy's food in the frosties. Not sure why but im glad im not alone on that XD


♥Disneyland Addict♥
French Fries And Ranch YES!!!!!
Ranch and Pizza Yes!!!
Ranch and Chow Mein Noodles

Hmmmm Im a Ranch Lover..... Guilty


Well-Known Member
peanut butter and jelly combos...
any fruit esp bananas ! even dried fruit
BACON (amazing)
I mean this isn't really a weird food combination but I love dipping my fries in hot sauce or ranch or zesty sauce from BK. I even dip popcorn in nutella or hot sauce sometimes lol. And I like to get the brown sugar poptarts and toast them and then put butter on the back of them so the butter just melts on and it tastes really good! haha. and whenever I eat a lollipop I dip it in water to like enhance the taste.
I've recently stopped eating corn, but the only way I used to eat it was mixed in with mashed potatoes and butter! Literally the best combo. Also, idk if anyone else has had them, but Dunkaccinos from Dunkin Donuts. It's a blend of coffee and hot chocolate but tastes amazing. The original gold fish in chicken noodle soup.
just kidding
but I do tend to drink chocolate milk when I eat a ribeye or chinese food

and no matter what, I always tend to be eating food when I'm watching Hannibal and Dexter.

(I eat medium rare steaks a lot)

I have a gut of a champion tbh