Trading all my extra's - UPDATED WITH PRICES

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Formerly msdisneymaniac of VMK Past.
1x Taffyta Muttonfudge Hat - 2k
1x Toy Soldier Hat Red - 5k
1x Party Hat Gold & Pink - 3k
3x Party Hat Gold & Purple - 3k
1x Party Hat Pink & Hearts - 3k
3x Jester Hat Teal - 4k
6x Jester Hat Purple - 3k
1x Fix it Felix Hat - 3k
2x Edna Mode Wig and Glasses - 3k
2x Cowboy Red Shirt w/Vest - 2k
2x Cowboy Grey Shirt w/Vest - 2k
2x Cowboy Brown Shirt w/Vest - 2k
2x Cowboy Brown Shirt - 2k
3x Full Bellhop (hat, pants, shoes, top) - 6k
1x Full Baseball Red (cap, pants, shirt, shoes) - 6k
I'd like all of these, please.
Grand Total: 56K

(Double check; I'd only like one of each.)
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