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x13 SW Plush - Admiral Ackbar = 100cc
x24 SW Plush - Ahch-to Caretaker = 100cc
x20 SW Plush - Bantha = 100cc
x29 SW Plush - Baze Malbus = 100cc
x32 SW Plush - Bodhi Rook = 100cc
x38 SW Plush - Cassian Andor =100cc
x24 SW Plush - Chewie = 100cc
x27 SW Plush - Chirrut Imwe = 100cc
x32 SW Plush - Darth Maul = 100cc
x26 SW Plush - Ewok = 100cc
x39 SW Plush - Fathier = 100cc
Hi! Can I get all these plushies for a total of 30.4k? I may buy more later


Well-Known Member
Pixar Sketch - Nemo 500
Fantasia Goldfish Pin 2k
Sweatshirt - Little Green Man 5k

I would buy these three for you! Should be 7.5k total? Let me know! :)
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