Recent content by bellasongbirdi

  1. B

    Which game do you want to see work next?

    well about 80 of these posts were for POTC and about 2 were for jungle cruise but jungle cruise is what we're getting suckers
  2. B

    Minigames in order of your favorite to least favorite, and why.

    1. Pirates 2. Pirates 3. Pirates 4. Pirates because the rest suck
  3. B

    Seriously? NPC Amounts have dropped?

    well considering playing fireworks makes me want to quit mvmk cause i hate it so much i think decreasing the credit amounts for the shells/NPCs was a bad idea and i don't wanna rly log in anymore cause im BROKE and my room is PATHETIC
  4. B

    Have you ever met anyone famous?

    I met paris hilton it was da best day of my lyfe
  5. B

    Post a Picture of Yourself. Again

    omg rachel u so gorgious omg idk wat to do so i luv u guise so much i decide topost anothr thx luv u boos<3
  6. B

    Post a Picture of Yourself. Again

    omg guise u so prety idk i feel so ugly plz dont b mean i learnng how to do makuep