Recent content by DoveMal

  1. DoveMal

    Help please!

    okay thanksthey fixed it but i still cannot log on
  2. DoveMal

    Help please!

    no I just can't figure out my login info, so who do I talk to about that?And I'm using internet explorer for myvmk altho, I may have all three, mozilla firefox, internet explorer, and goggle chrome but I need my login info
  3. DoveMal

    Help please!

    Hey! I play DoveMal! But I cannot login to my account. Please help me!
  4. DoveMal

    login help

    im using firefox
  5. DoveMal

    login help

    i recently created a myvmk and now i cant login please help me with this problem
  6. DoveMal

    myvmk didnt send me an email

    thanks Amy
  7. DoveMal

    myvmk didnt send me an email

    Myvmk hasn't sent me an email so, I can't log onto my account on the site.. please help
  8. DoveMal

    since today is national coffee day: what's your fave coffee?

    mine would have to be peppermint mocha or vanilla bean
  9. DoveMal

    happy international coffee day. I live with tashaactress!

    happy international coffee day. I live with tashaactress!
  10. DoveMal

    since today is national coffee day: what's your fave coffee?

    Or if you dont like coffee, what's your favorite frappucino?
  11. DoveMal

    unfortunatley, Tashaactress and I didnt make it.

    unfortunatley, Tashaactress and I didnt make it.
  12. DoveMal

    What are you reading?

    A couple days ago, I just finished reading Descendants, Isle of the lost tomorrow im starting on believe in yourself and your dreams, reccomended by tashaactress
  13. DoveMal

    yesterday was labor day and tashaactress and i did alot of hard labor

    yesterday was labor day and tashaactress and i did alot of hard labor
  14. DoveMal

    For those of you who liked descendents

    mine was Mal too
  15. DoveMal

    job tips

    I havent yet but I've done an audition with Disneyland and before the audition started I remember watching a youtube video for some audition tips