Recent content by Little Petalbounce

  1. Little Petalbounce


    We are the breadbois, bow down before our yeasty might
  2. Little Petalbounce

    Lav's Siggies and Gifs - Open For Requests

    Thank you, bb!!! It looks absolutely incredible!!!
  3. Little Petalbounce

    Lav's Siggies and Gifs - Open For Requests

    MyVMK Username: Little_Petalbounce Surprise me! ;)
  4. Little Petalbounce

    LF Small Lily Pad

    Looking for one of the Small Lily Pad items from (I think) Princess Month! :D
  5. Little Petalbounce

    LF Animals!

    Sure!! When do you wanna meet up?
  6. Little Petalbounce

    LF Animals!

    Oooh, how much is the kitten from Olaf's Frozen Adventure? :D
  7. Little Petalbounce

    LF Animals!

    Ooh, that's a really good deal for Perry! I can't afford that right now, but thank you so much for offering!! <3 If I ever save up enough, I'll keep you in mind if he hasn't been bought up by then! :D
  8. Little Petalbounce

    LF Animals!

    I'm looking for any little animals that anyone has laying around! ;) Idc whether it's pet base or static figures as long as they're animals you can naturally find in the wild! I'm on a limited budget, so I probably won't be able to get any more expensive animals, but if you have any relatively...
  9. Little Petalbounce

    Value Check Thumper Pet Base

    I'm interested in getting a Thumper pet base, but I have no idea how much he currently goes for... does anyone have any idea?
  10. Little Petalbounce

    Enchanted Tiki Beach

    Aaawh! ¡Buenos días, señorita! Welcome to the Enchanted Tiki Beach, where the birds sing words and the flowers croon! Check out my Tiki Room replica! The Tiki Room is my most "must-see" attraction whenever I'm at Disney, so I figured I'd make an in-game recreation of it! :P
  11. Little Petalbounce

    Design an Egg Contest 2018 - Winners!

    This was my egg!! [link] Great job to everyone!! Everyone did great!
  12. Little Petalbounce

    Transmission Received... Our new minigame: Star Commander!

    So here are my suggestions: First, despite being told to read the instructions, using control-click on Mac (I use a MacBook Pro) just isn't working for me. Using control-click pulls up a menu for me, so it either doesn't register the click in-game, or if it does, my shot is obscured by the menu...
  13. Little Petalbounce

    Is anyone interested in an LGBT VMK Discord server?

    The link to join is one that doesn't expire, by the way! You can still use it! <3
  14. Little Petalbounce

    Is anyone interested in an LGBT VMK Discord server?

    There's gonna be a strict set of rules involved, that's for sure. I wouldn't tolerate any nonsense. I know how awful people can get, and people who try to start drama and shadiness would be taken care of. <3 Protecting the members of the server would be the #1 priority!Here's the invite link for...