Recent content by Mickeymouse

  1. M

    What was your quest?

    I honestly have no idea my quests.... All i know is, I used it for prizes if you won my maze... So i wouldn't have to be in the room haha
  2. M

    Ride Pieces - Price

    I built rides.. i dropped 30,000 on rides.. for the space mountain ride contest thing lol and i had a quest.... that was a magically feeling getting! lol
  3. M

    What made you start playing VMK?

    some girl in my 5th grade told me about it! and all three of us made a account and its like we were together 24/7 lol
  4. M

    Just a suggestion?

    its like VMK version of the million dollar club lol
  5. M

    Ride Pieces - Price

    I dont know, i kinda dont want everything cheap.. then there is nothing to work for, and the value of things go down, i was really happy with VMK pricing. lol :thumbsup:
  6. M

    Favorite Vmk Hat?

    Mad Hatter! of course.
  7. M

    Old VMK Pictures :) Let me know if your in them

    I remember i tried making a music video on VMK to a Soulja Boy song lol
  8. M

    VMK Item: Never Owned, but Wanted!

    I loved Firewalls. I also loved Halloween Furniture :) I LOVE EVERYTHING!
  9. M

    VMK Character Name

    AceDinner was mines
  10. M

    Haunted Mansion lag

    I lagged while loading to go to like stage 3 or something. LOL
  11. M

    Favorite VMK Pastime!

    I usually opened up my room... Or played Fireworks and Pirates.
  12. M

    Unexpected rares on sales?

    Then its not rare if everyone has it. You kinda have to have a limit or something... i would say.
  13. M

    Looking for Old Friends? Lost and Found!

    Im Acedinner. Anyone know? lolol
  14. M

    Why did you choose your VMK name?

    Mine was Acedinner.. It was suppose to be AceDiner.. But idk what happened lol
  15. M

    Favorite VMK mods?

    Great to hear!