Recent content by tomorrowmagicman

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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    Still looking for testers :)
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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    In the coming weeks our we are in need of some beta testers to test out our Quest. To get more information and if you'd like to participate please shoot us a quick PM. It will also be greatly appreciated if you filled out our little survey in the PM. 1. Age: (optional) 2. How often you visit...
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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    Thanks for waiting guys we're excited to share what we have. Updates and prizes coming very soon :)
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    MyVMK Survivor Redemption Island Auditions

    interesting... GL:thumbsup:
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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    Currently we are in talks to make this work. Stand by, for updates.
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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    Along with super and spaces help in WDW. And like stated before this was in the original vmk and no one complained.
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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    And on the 11th picture we could tell by all 5 pictures having the same bar code from the ticket.
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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    anyway we can talk privately just us 3?
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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    I like the idea of having to download a PDF, much more simpler. Maybe you and Space could work on the WDW quest? Man I wish I could live on Disney property. I forgot to mention I am less then 10 minutes away from Disneyland and Cali Adventure as well. Like Space said lets hear back from the...
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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    I'll shot you a pm.
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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    Agreed. Will edit stand by.
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    MyVMK Pal

    anymore? thanks
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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    Hmm okay so should we scrap the weekly quest in your opinion an entirely? IMO, I think weekly quest could have a place in VMK maybe just in the area of something simple like pins?
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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    Would be awesome! Check out the new system let me know what you think. An idea up for discussion. What would this idea I'm about to present fit better in, the weekly system or monthly. Each quest you would unlock a piece of clothing, ultimately leading up to a costume. Example: week one, you...
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    In-Park Quest Propsel

    I see you are in the east coast are you near WDW? The only problem I see with this is it could take awhile for players to obtain their items. Other then that I like your idea. Maybe we can combine our ideas. Going to edit my original post one sec.