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  • Aw, thank you- you're SO very welcome! I am really bad at trade values too, so I completely understand! And I have been ripped off before
    so I didn't want to do that to anybody else! I am excited to be friends! :hug:
    Wow, I'm so sorry I haven't been replying to anything you've been saying lately, I have been insanely stressed with midterms, which are thankfully done now, and I just wanted to send you this as a thank you for being so awesome <3

    I have noticed your forum posts, and confessions about me, and you are such a kind, sweet, wonderful individual and you deserve so much in life for being such a great human being <3! Of course I will be your myvmk big hehe! I'm here for you if you ever need it girl. Thanks for everyone you've ever done for me and it is just so lovely to have someone who appreciates me so much!

    It seems that for the time being we're sort of a tag team on the the top poster spot LOL! That's fine, I'm happy about it TBH, because it's nice to see a lot of active members other than me heheh.
    Awe yay, congrats on top poster hun! <3 I know it isn't a competition but still, its awesome how you're so involved on the forums!! ( ^ _ ^ ) /
    thanks. i didnt make it, someone else did a while ago. but i know how to make it. take screenshots and upload to photoshop or an image animation.
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