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  1. DoveMal

    Help please!

    Hey! I play DoveMal! But I cannot login to my account. Please help me!
  2. DoveMal

    login help

    i recently created a myvmk and now i cant login please help me with this problem
  3. DoveMal

    myvmk didnt send me an email

    Myvmk hasn't sent me an email so, I can't log onto my account on the site.. please help
  4. DoveMal

    since today is national coffee day: what's your fave coffee?

    Or if you dont like coffee, what's your favorite frappucino?
  5. DoveMal

    job tips

    As most of you guys know, Tashaactress and I have a job interveiw with Disneyland but were nervous so do you guys have any tips for us or advice