Search results

  1. DrKermit

    Trade Completed - Please Close! Thanks!

    Hi there, I'm looking for the HOST prizes for this week - Fix it Felix JR Game and SR Snowanna Pin. I am offering last week's HOST prizes and credits: - Ghost - Run! - SR Misty Pin - 1.5k Please let me know! Thanks, DrK
  2. DrKermit

    LF: HOST Prize - Baseball Mickey Ears

    Hey there, I'm looking for the baseball Mickey Ears that were awarded as a HOST game prize a few weeks ago. I'm willing to offer the following: - Blue Foam Finger Hat (this week's HOST prize) - 2.5K Feel free to post in this thread or PM me! :) Thanks! DrK
  3. DrKermit

    LF: Bird Hat (Offer included)

    Hi folks, I'm currently looking for the following items w/ offer: - Bird Hat (Offer: 28K) Please let me know if you have any of these items and willing to trade. Thanks! DrK