Search results

  1. BestSoarinRider

    Selling: Pins/Rooms

    How much for each of these rooms?
  2. BestSoarinRider


    I can trade now if you are available, im in the pirates lobby?
  3. BestSoarinRider

    LF Epcot Entrance Guest Room

  4. BestSoarinRider

    Looking for HM Room

    I'm on right now but I can only stay on for the next 15 minutes (I am in the pirates lobby) if you would like to meet there?
  5. BestSoarinRider

    Looking for HM Room

    I will offer 10k for haunted mansion holiday guest room if it is still available?
  6. BestSoarinRider

    LF Epcot Entrance Guest Room

  7. BestSoarinRider


    If you still have the cave of wonders room I would like to offer 10k for it
  8. BestSoarinRider

    LF Epcot Entrance Guest Room

    I have been looking through the forums and have been seeing them go for around 10k-15k, I will offer 17k for your Epcot Entrance Room if that sounds fair
  9. BestSoarinRider

    LF Epcot Entrance Guest Room

    I am looking for the following room pins: - Epcot Entrance Guest Room - Refreshment Corner Guest Room - Haunted Mansion Conservatory (Regular) - Any of the Pirate Guest Rooms - (I am new so I have no idea about the value of these but I will try to match any reasonable offer) Thanks everyone!