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  1. H

    American Horror Story : Coven, Anyone?!

    i cant wait for AHS Circus! i can already picture how they'll use the creepy circus theme to add twisted ideas :rickroll:
  2. H

    POTC Option for Original and Newer

    So those of you who played VMK from when it was newer, you know that POTC had an original version. I think myvmk should have an option where you could either play old potc or the newer potc. what do you guys think? id really like to hear your opinions!:juggle:
  3. H

    ~* January Survey * ~

    1) what is your favorite song as of now? Hell is round the corner - tricky 2) what is your opinion on justin bieber's arrest? yay or nay? nay cause now my state is stranded with him! 3) who is the last person that made you laugh really hard? my cousin 4) what is the last thing you drank? cafe...