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  1. smj5293

    Trading a lot of items for SITS!

    I'm so sorry! I haven't been on much because of school... if you're still willing to do this trade though I would love that :)
  2. smj5293

    Trading a lot of items for SITS!

    How about 5 SITS for POTC- Jar of Dirt and 5 SITS for POTC- Piece of Eight? So 10 all together.
  3. smj5293

    LF: Used Pink Crates

    I also have 30 opened pink crates. I love clothing!
  4. smj5293

    Trading Items

    Yea no green keys here either sorry!
  5. smj5293

    Leilani's Trades (SITs, furni, clothing etc.) also LF PPR Peter Pan

    Would you be willing to do a spree for the Elsa crown?
  6. smj5293

    Trading Items

    Would you do a shark for Anna's coronation outfit?
  7. smj5293

    trading stuff for sits

    Sure! Be there in a minute or two!
  8. smj5293

    trading stuff for sits

    I'd be willing to give you 30 SITS for the Elsa Coronation stuff if it is not gone yet. I have them now and can meet whenever :)
  9. smj5293

    Macklemore's thrift shop

    I'm ready to do the trade whenever you are! Just PM me when you're on :)
  10. smj5293

    Macklemore's thrift shop

    Okay cool! I'm just gonna build up a few more credits to buy it then I will PM you :)
  11. smj5293

    Macklemore's thrift shop

    Would you do a shark magic for Anna's winter outfit?
  12. smj5293

    Looking for some things!

    Would you be willing to do the Elsa winter outfit for a shark magic? If not, PM me and we can try to work something a little better out! :)
  13. smj5293

    SITS Pins Needed

    How many SITS would you like for the 4th hat and how many for the green ears?
  14. smj5293

    ♛ Oreo's Trading Thread ♛

    Would 15 be fair?
  15. smj5293

    ♛ Oreo's Trading Thread ♛

    Would you be willing to do the princess tiara for SITS?
  16. smj5293

    Looking for Shark Magic!

    Would you be willing to add in one jester hat to the captain outfit? If so, you have a deal!
  17. smj5293

    .:kay.d's trading post:.

    I'd really like the tiara... Would you be willing to do spree or sits for it?
  18. smj5293

    Clothing/Pins for Cheaper Sprees + more~~!

    Is the feather mask also still available?
  19. smj5293

    My Stuff For Your Sword Magics

    I am interested in the Alice top and bottoms. I have enough sits for one... would you mind holding the other while i earn a few more?
  20. smj5293

    Newly Updated Trade Thread!!:) (CLOSED)

    I'm interested in your princess crown! How much spree would you like?