Search results

  1. Mr.Fox

    Legend of Korra Talk *SPOILERS*

    Climax building
  2. Mr.Fox

    Legend of Korra Talk *SPOILERS*

    If you watch the latest episode of Season 3, it seems somewhat close to ending, for me. Which is sad :/ I love this show xD
  3. Mr.Fox

    Legend of Korra Talk *SPOILERS*

    Yes, it's an awesome TV definitely worth a watch a least once! Season 3 is the best, in my opinion! :D
  4. Mr.Fox

    Legend of Korra Talk *SPOILERS*

    Anyone watch the latest episode of LoK released on 8/15?
  5. Mr.Fox

    Trading Cowboy Pants (Sold for 85 SITS)

    bump :)
  6. Mr.Fox

    Fantastic, Mr.Fox! :D

    Fantastic, Mr.Fox! :D
  7. Mr.Fox

    Trading Cowboy Pants (Sold for 85 SITS)

    Looking for Highest Bidder for SITS Pins OR 7 Green Keys (auto trade) Current Bid: 82 Bid Holder: Flume Also looking for a Dream Shirt, Dreams Castle and Monsters Opening Pins! :D
  8. Mr.Fox

    ~~~Mods Please Delete This Thread~~~

    I'll do 100
  9. Mr.Fox

    ~~~Mods Please Delete This Thread~~~

    Willing to trade Cowboy Pants for 100 SITS Pins
  10. Mr.Fox

    Looking for Dream Shirt, Dream Ears, & Blue Princess Shoes

    Sorry! D: I didn't see anything that I needed!
  11. Mr.Fox

    Home Theater TV Set

    1 home theatre tv, 2 speakers, 2 subwoofers, 1 stand, 1 reel table, 2 chairs. FOR: 25k or 1 firewall and 5k.
  12. Mr.Fox

    Selling Cowboy Pants! :D

    Looking to sell CB pants for 3 Sparky hats! Willing to look at other offers - I'm mainly interested in pins and clothing
  13. Mr.Fox

    .:Happy Birthday, Aaron!! You're an awesome dude! Can't wait to continue our VMK future...

    .:Happy Birthday, Aaron!! You're an awesome dude! Can't wait to continue our VMK future together, bro ;D:. - Fantastically, Mr.Fox
  14. Mr.Fox

    .:In Need of Green Keys:.

    Willing to buy green keys for 2k ech! :D or Shark Magic for 5! Please let me know!!
  15. Mr.Fox


    I'm sorry! I hope everything is okay! Hope to see you again some day! Fantastically, Mr.Fox
  16. Mr.Fox


    dream poster, please! :D