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  1. K.ann94

    It makes me sad when the jungle cruise bugs out on me during the last two rooms so I can't move. ):

    It makes me sad when the jungle cruise bugs out on me during the last two rooms so I can't move. ):
  2. K.ann94

    New to MyVMK Old to VMK.

    I mean if that's what makes you happy xD
  3. K.ann94

    New to MyVMK Old to VMK.

    Thanks! and by the way I LOVE your signature x3 Matt Smith is adorable.
  4. K.ann94

    New to MyVMK Old to VMK.

    Thanks so much :aww:
  5. K.ann94

    New to MyVMK Old to VMK.

    Thanks you guys, feels like home already :cloud9:
  6. K.ann94

    Post a Picture of Yourself. Again

    Poor quality but here's my most recent #selfie :nod: sorry its so big o.o
  7. K.ann94

    New to MyVMK Old to VMK.

    Oh my goodness thanks :3 But yeah it's definitely taking me a minute to readjust to everything. Talk about forgetting how to ride a bike! Thanks tho (:
  8. K.ann94

    New to MyVMK Old to VMK.

    Hey everyone! I just found out about MyVMK and cannot begin to express how ecstatic I am! Anyways, just thought I'd introduce myself to the forums. My in-game name is PassionFruitie. My old name on VMK was Passage. I mean if any of y'all happen to remember me, that'd be awesome. But even if you...