3 lettered usernames


Well-Known Member
Hello there!
I know in OVMK the minimum number of letters you could have in your name was 4, so my name in game was 'Catt', and on the forums 'Cat'.
And I know that when Amy plays from her server, or game, or whatever you'd like to call it, she's Amy, and on OVMK she's Amyy.

Can there be a 3 lettered minimum for MMK in game too?
And if this would happen, (and now this is all speculation) but if there's a possibility of restoring accounts with just the names/friends lists, will there be a way to change your name? Because I'd really like to be Cat in game as well as opposed to Catt.

Just a suggestion/something to think about (:


Well-Known Member
Cat said:
Hello there!
I know in OVMK the minimum number of letters you could have in your name was 4, so my name in game was 'Catt', and on the forums 'Cat'.
And I know that when Amy plays from her server, or game, or whatever you'd like to call it, she's Amy, and on OVMK she's Amyy.

Can there be a 3 lettered minimum for MMK in game too?
And if this would happen, (and now this is all speculation) but if there's a possibility of restoring accounts with just the names/friends lists, will there be a way to change your name? Because I'd really like to be Cat in game as well as opposed to Catt.

Just a suggestion/something to think about (:
Just a suggestion, if 3 letter names aren't implemented, you could alwatys go with _Cat or Cat_
Just an idea!