Buddy Out

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Well-Known Member
Hey, everyone. Just wanted to wish everyone on the forums well. Leaving the game for good at this point. The original game means a lot to me, and it always will. I gave away a bunch of stuff and man, did it feel great. Had a blast hanging out with some genuinely good people. Give me a shout out if I made your night! So long!
Hey, everyone. Just wanted to wish everyone on the forums well. Leaving the game for good at this point. The original game means a lot to me, and it always will. I gave away a bunch of stuff and man, did it feel great. Had a blast hanging out with some genuinely good people. Give me a shout out if I made your night! So long!
Sorry to see you go but thanks for the memories!
Really sad to see you go, I regret not having known you before your decision to leave. Thank you so much for everything last night :D It was a blast hanging out with you and everyone. Thanks again for everything.
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