Can some one explain to me how credit sprees work?


Flower Princess
:) they are pretty easy.
say the spree is like 2k. you just buy the 2k worth of stuff the person wants then trade for the item they have hope this helps <:
A credit spree is basically saying "I'll buy X credits worth of items, then trade them to you." It's a slightly inconvenient way of trading credits.


The Canadian
I always thought a credit spree is that person would buy you that amount in pixels because they are the only item (to my knowledge) in the shop that is bought and sold for the same price so that way you could sell the pixels for exactly the number of credits the person offers but it has recently become apparent to me than many people are not in favor of this idea because it is soooo difficult (yes, sarcasm) to purchase a large amount of pixels. Also the trade glitches sometimes when trading lots of pixels? I don't know if someone is offering me a large amount of pixels I'd be willing to sit there and sell every one of them because at least I'd be getting the credits, not items. Kind of like a gift card I guess...myvmk style haha
I always thought a credit spree is that person would buy you that amount in pixels because they are the only item (to my knowledge) in the shop that is bought and sold for the same price so that way you could sell the pixels for exactly the number of credits the person offers but it has recently become apparent to me than many people are not in favor of this idea because it is soooo difficult (yes, sarcasm) to purchase a large amount of pixels. Also the trade glitches sometimes when trading lots of pixels? I don't know if someone is offering me a large amount of pixels I'd be willing to sit there and sell every one of them because at least I'd be getting the credits, not items. Kind of like a gift card I guess...myvmk style haha
You have more patience than I. It's not the buying of pixels I hate.. It's the selling! I wish there was a "Sell All" button :D