Controversial Double Standards


A Princess of Sorts
Alright, so this thread is to discuss the current double standard, hypocrisy, and prejudice regarding controversial topics such as race, sex/gender, sexual orientation, religion, politics, freedom, pro-tacos, and whatever else suits ye. Basically, when one group/party is treating the opposite in the same inappropriate manner as they were or are treated (personally or not) by them in an act of vengeance, or when two or more of the "same" people treat one another in a way they would get offended if the opposite were to do the same. As very loose examples, black-on-white, female-on-male (not necessarily feminism), Atheist-on-Christian, etc. Everyone is included, remember that.

How do you feel about this? Is our society a one-way street? Should your race, sex, etc. define you in such ways regardless of what they are? Why are we still divided? Debate. Remember, we're all guilty of discrimination so keep that in mind when you post. It's human nature, to a certain extent.

The way I see it? Turning the table doesn't change the shape of it.

I know I may not have worded the post very well, so I apologize. :p