Credit sprees for Pins?


Well-Known Member
I've got all of the following up for trade:

PPR Tigerlily (X4)
ALR Dinah (X3)
ALR Caterpillar (X4)
ALR Tweedledee & Tweedledum (X4)
ALR Alice (X2)
PPR Tinkerbell (X4)
ALR Chesire Cat (X2)
ALR Mad Hater (X5)
ALR White Rabbit (X2)
PPR Mermaid #2 (X5)
PPR Crocodile (X8)
Futureworld- Imagination (X1)
Futureworld- The Land (X1)
World Showcase Canada (X1)
World Showcase China (X2)
World Showcase France (X2)
World Showcase Germany (X1)
World Showcase Japan (X1)
World Showcase Mexico (X1)
World Showcase Morocco (X2)
World Showcase Norway (X2)
World Showcase United States (X2)
Hall of Presidents Pin (X2)
Silver Key Pin (X4)
Small World- Holland (X2)
Small World- Mexico (X1)
Small World- Hawaii (X2)
Small Wold- Italy (X3)
Small World- Bali (X2)
Small World- Africa (X2)

Feel free to make some offers. I'll be updating what's available often. Looking for 1K credit spree for all retired pins, and .5K for current ride pins. Thanks!