Doing voice acting for credits on VMK!

Hi guys, my name is Austin! You guys may know me Bananarchy on the game. I am a professional voice actor and I would love to share that with you guys. I'm offering you guys voice acting for credits! I know people most likely won't want this, but I figured I'd let you guys know in case you want to make me say something silly! I have no idea what rates I should do for credits, you guys would have to help me with that. I do 250 for $5, but that really has nothing to do with anything. Here are some examples of my voice.

Let me know if anyone would be interested in this!


Well-Known Member
ty banana LOL i am literally dying rn, this is amazing. tbh it should be put into movie, i'll send u more stuff if i find some :)


Well-Known Member
Can I ask where your voice has been featured??? Or do you do voice acting as like a hobby??
I do it for a living =)! Mainly projects that people have in college, trailers for indie films/games, presentations, advertising, that sort of thing. I cherish every job I get and I can't wait to get more.