Ease of access

if it is, remember when thewhitehouse.com was taken by some dude who decided to plaster it with porn, and kids parents freaked out saying they had been too exposed when having to do a project on it?

lol. I think pornography is pretty easy to access now if you have a spyware/adware/virus cleaning program amirite.


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify, is this a debate on how we feel about pornography?

I intended it to be a debate on "the ease of access to pornography by persons of younger than (insert some arbitrary age that you think it should be legal at here)."

Oh, well I see.

I, personally, don't think young children should be watching these things, but I don't think ease of access is as much at fault. If you want to keep your children from it, it is the responsibility of the parent.


Well-Known Member
I am against pornography. I think that if you're in a relationship, you are basically cheating on your partner. It is pretty pathetic how widely available pornography is

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